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№1(73) January-march 2019 year


Content and methods of entrepreneurship education

The concept of interactive learning has entered our lives not so long ago, but has firmly taken its place among modern technologies, and the concept of «interactive technologies» has been filled with a new meaning. This is not just a process of interaction between the teacher and the student, but a new stage in the organization of the educational process, new pedagogical technologies that allow you to immerse yourself in the study of problems and feel an active participant in the educational process. Interactive learning requires the use of special forms of organization of cognitive activity and sets very specific and predictable goals. In the practice of teaching and training of students of entrepreneurial education MFPU «Synergy» the search for new forms and methods of training is ongoing. The article introduces the reader to some of these forms.

The article discusses the dynamics of the development of entrepreneurial education in Russian universities. The authors conducted a survey of graduate and undergraduate curricula in universities in the country for the period of 2017 — 2019 with the regional focus. This made it possible to compare the current level of implementation of entrepreneurial curricula with the data of 2017, as well as to assess the state of entrepreneurial ecosystems of the regions in terms of the provision of entrepreneurs with higher education institutions. The obtained data allowed to establish the growth in the number of programs for entrepreneurial education of bachelor and master programs, and the analysis of statistical data on the state of entrepreneurship posed the problem of the growing gap in the orientation of student youth towards entrepreneurial activity and the contraction of the entrepreneurial segment in the national economy. The article provides recommendations on the development of entrepreneurial education, describes the key areas and problems of development in this field of university activity.

New technologies of entrepreneurship education

The article deals with the development of entrepreneurial abilities through gaming technology. The materials of the article reveal the factors of game interest, the specifics of intellectual games, especially the game procedures for adults. The basic thesis: the gaming procedures in the training allow us to evaluate, understand and develop key entrepreneurial skills. Any speculative concepts describing the professional abilities of entrepreneurs can be operationalized in such a way that this ability becomes detectable, diagnosed, evaluated. Understanding the mechanism of manifestation of a particular entrepreneurial ability allows you to choose the appropriate game procedure through which you can on the one hand to assess the personality, on the other hand to build a predictive  picture of the development of personal potential. To do this, it is important to: 1) identify indicators of abilities, skills and abilities developed by the game; 2) describe each indicator, differentiate the levels of development of the ability; 3) make a map of monitoring the behavior of the player, based on the selected indicators. The content of the games used in pedagogical practice by teachers of the Department of Psychology is consistently revealed through the description: the time spent, the necessary materials and equipment, the game purpose, the competencies diagnosed in the game, the instructions, the stages of carrying out and reflection. The game method in training allows to take into account: 1) individual experience of the past; 2) strategies of behavior relevant to the present; 3) to predict the dynamics of the development of individual abilities on the basis of existing potential. The key stage of the didactic game — reflection, is aimed at fixing and understanding the usual behavioral patterns, which in the process of solving game problems are transformed into effective models of professional behavior.

Author: I. Filkevich

The article examines the features of the development of education in the field of innovative entrepreneurship. It is noted that innovative trends require educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences in the light of global trends in economic development. Further development of modern science and technology trends will significantly enhance the impact of innovations on social processes in society, new forms of socialization and social interaction will appear, the nature and mode of employment of workers will change, development centers, competencies and production will be shifted beyond the developed countries. To carry out effective business activities, it is necessary to train innovative specialists with relevant knowledge and competencies. As international experience shows, business education in the field of innovative entrepreneurship should focus on the creation of a multi-level vocational training system.

Entrepreneurship education and the realities of modern competition

Authors: L. Leontieva, A. Ilin

In this paper the authors present an approach defining entrepreneurial labor as a specific type of highly intellectual activity in a context of risk and uncertainty, and aimed at creating benefits case for both owners and employees and the state at large. This author's approach is mandated by the fact that business entities, especially representatives of small businesses and self-employed citizens exercise significant number of entrepreneurial functions. As a result of their practical evaluation in the cause of real business activities, the owner of business reaches the state of absolute “competence”. The authors reason of the quality and progress of entrepreneurial labor as an activity that reflects the professional entrepreneurial and managerial competencies of a business owner. A matrix of self-employed citizen competencies was created through the prism of specific competencies set at strategic, tactical and situational levels of business management, as well as depending on the competitive position of the entrepreneur in the market. Ultimately, in the opinion of the authors, professional work, professional entrepreneurial and management competencies should be based on the concept of «professional talentism». This will enhance competitive advantage of a business unit.

The article deals with the participation of entrepreneurs in competition as an integral part of the core identity of the entrepreneurship education programs subject. The authors draw the readers attention to the content of competition competencies in entrepreneurship. The latter include knowledge in the field of successful participation in the competition for various objects involved in the entrepreneurial environment, as well as the skills necessary to ensure competitive advantage. Their value is defined in system of development results of entrepreneurship education programs in the modern bachelor degree. Competition competencies are structured on the competencies in the field of competition actions and competencies in the field of management of competition actions, including the management of personal participation in competition. In the context of ongoing discussions, the authors defend constructive and functional approaches to the formation of students ' competition competencies in the learning process. The article describes in detail the matrix of competition competencies, which is the basis of the «competitive» segment of the bachelor's program in entrepreneurship at the Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy», the content and structure of the learning course «Competition in entrepreneurship » for students of bachelor’s degree.

The practice of entrepreneurship in a competitive environment

Author: Yu. Nikiforova

The article discusses dynamic abilities that determine new opportunities in the management and development of companies in a rapidly changing environment. The need for research of a methodological nature is caused by the digitalization of society and digital transformation, which today affects all areas of business. The study of new organizational capabilities in relation to modern economic conditions is the fundamental scientific task of this study, since in order to develop and increase their own competitiveness in addition to the available resources (assets), organizations need to be able to create, integrate and reconfigure technologies and organizational-specific competencies. In this paper, the concepts of dynamic abilities and organizational abilities, presented by various academic economists, are considered. Dynamic models are proposed, one of which is a dynamic analytical model based on a resource-oriented approach, where dynamic potential consisting of dynamic capabilities and dynamic resources is the most important link. As a separate element of the dynamic potential, the absorptive potential is highlighted, which also influences the development of companies.

Entrepreneurship education and universities ' participation in competition

The article presents an analysis of tools for independent assessment and certification of teachers in the field of technological entrepreneurship, as well as an algorithm for developing evaluation tools.

Author: A. Zaytseva

The relevant task facing modern society is business development as bases of economic stability. It’s possible through formation of enterprise thinking and enterprise competences in economics. Business knowledge for own development seeks to use increasing number of people now. The purpose of the research is identification of a role of the educational organizations in formation of enterprise thinking and increase in enterprise activity in society. Being structural elements of institutional business infrastructure, the educational organizations increase quality of enterprise ecosystem. It occurs due to expanded reproduction academic and business knowledge. Some general scientific and special methods were used by the author for the solution of the objectives (method of the system analysis, method of the retrospective analysis, methods of statistical inspection). Empirical materials are received as a result of the questioning of students of higher educational institutions. The research of potential enterprise activity is executed by the author. As a result of a research the model of formation of enterprise competences was offered. The model includes the main and additional programs of business education based on modern information and educational technologies.

Subject area of article supports sector-specific manifestations of disloyalty to the employer on the part of the high school teachers. Briefly described the motives and attributes disloyal labor behavior of different types of employees: «pragmatists», «simulators», «fighters for justice», «saboteurs — the Avengers» and «conspirators». Analyzes the characteristics of their work behavior in high school and the associated threats to its reputational security as the main factor determining the competitiveness of the subjects of the higher school. HR is determined by the technology used to identify such teachers, prevention and suppression of their disloyal behavior. Proposals for the organization of interaction of departments heads, deans and the security service of the University in order to successfully address the problem.

Entrepreneurship education and the development of sports industry

The article contains a research of the legal framework for the legislative consolidation of the fitness industry by analyzing and evaluating various approaches to the concept of fitness, as well as other fundamental aspects of activities in this field. The importance of legal regulation of this sphere is determined by a set of factors, including: legal reflection of a large commercial industry, enlarging the population of systematic physical training, preventing the emergence of various diseases associated with insufficient physical activity, the need to prevent injuries in fitness, and many others. The article analyzes the positions of foreign and Russian researchers on the definition of «fitness» and its key features. The content of the current terminology of Federal Law No. 329-FZ of 04.12.2007 «Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation» for understanding similar and distinctive features in terms of «physical culture» and «fitness» is explored. The article also analyzes the various provisions of domestic legislation that to some extent regulate the legal basis for the functioning of fitness in Russia, and identify areas for improving the current legislation. Among the key signs necessary to consolidate the concept of «fitness» is its commercial component, while preserving the fundamental characteristics inherent in the concept of «physical culture».

Authors: V. Lednev, K. Bratkov

The article analyzes the modern development of the sports industry and shows what opportunities exist for entrepreneurship in sports. The examples of commercialization of various sports organizations (federations, leagues, clubs), which, in fact, today have become commercial enterprises with their specific production, special products and specific consumers of their products and services. It is shown that the sports event is the main product of the sports industry, which allows sports organizations, organizers of sports competitions and professional athletes to earn. Competitive relations in the world sport are analyzed, where countries, organizations of sports events, professional leagues and clubs compete today. It is noted that quite often the competition is unfair; it is shown how it affects the development of the global sports industry.