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Rubin Yu.

Dr. Sci. (Economy), Prof., President, Head of department, «Theory and Practice of Competition», Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy», President, Russian Association for Entrepreneurship Education
Moscow, Russia

Strategy and tactics of competitive behavior

Before the businesses choose to use a set of executive measures, a number of prompt steps or make a set of certain arrangements, the businesses' competitive behavior model is shaped at the strategic level where a strategy/set of strategies are formed that become a basis of the business strategic behavior. As M. Porter notes, the leadership and success are based upon the business' ability to consistently, on a day-to-day basis, implement a chosen strategy. Competent behavior of the competitive market players is always based on the professional businesses' strict dividing the behavior levels and avoiding the overlaps when participating in the competition.

Discussion questions of modern competition theory

The paper correspond detailed statement about author views expounded at the roundtable discus¬sion «Questions of a Competition Theory» which was organized by the Modern Competition Journal and took place on 19th of May 2010 in Moscow University of Industry and Finance. In a context of the evolution of views on a competition the paper examines an opportunity of the competition theory formation as a separate field of knowledge. Expediency of the competition actions (as systemically important sign of the modern competition) research; necessity of involving in consideration not only consumers, but also fair competitors as competition beneficiary are substantiated. Competitiveness place in the competition edifice is investigated. An actor's professional interests and competencies in competition behavior area are examined.


Russian entrepreneurship as area of Russian education

In this issue copy of the author’s speech at the theoretical and practical seminar on entrepreneurship education in HEIs is published. The seminar was organized by Russian Association for Entrepreneurship Education (RUAEE) and became a part of the ICER BRIC International Conference on Entrepreneurship in transition times: Issues and challenge, which took a place on 14–16 November 2012 in Moscow, Russia. Read more...

What is the competition? (introduction to the theory of competition behaviour)

The article reveals the theoretical definitions of competition, as a philosophical, economic, social, psychological, and biological phenomena. The paper describes causes of manifestations of competition in today’s economy. The author formulates a definition of the competitive environment, the competitive environment and competitive features. The article explains the concept of competitive results and describes the conditions for achieving them. The author defines the competitive advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses of competitors. The article also discloses a process for assessing competitive advantages and disadvantages of market participants. This article is based on the materials of the first chapter of the new, forthcoming textbook «Competition».

Competitive position of market participants in a competitive environment

The article describes the general theoretical definition of the competitive position and competitive positioning of participants in economic competition. The author examines the different types of competitive position and background of their formation. The author formulates understanding of barriers to competitive positioning from external competitive environment. This article is based on the materials of the second chapter of the new edition of a textbook for bachelors «Competition», preparing for publication.

System of competitive actions of market participants

The article considers multicriteria classification of competitive action of companies. The author emphasizes the universal classification of competitive actions, applicable regardless of the industry specificity of competitive behavior. This article offers a general definition of «competitive action», «space of competitive action». The author propose a classification of competitive action on the variety of criteria: sides of competition, competition destinations, type, nature, kind of competitive action. Classification of competitive action on price and non-price methods are presented, especially: product differentiation, competition for a place in the value chain. The author reveals fundamental characteristics of competitive actions, needs to be consider by rivals for choosing competitive actions to implement within competitive process.

Strategies for competitive actions

The article deals with the general theoretical definition of the strategy of competitive actions. The author describes the strategic group of competitive action, draws the contours of the strategic management level of competitive action, reveals the classification of types and kinds of competi- tive strategies. For each type of competitive strategies The author indicates the advantages and disadvantages, the base terms of implementation.

Competitive actions management

The article deals with the system of management of competitive action. The author describes the place of the competitive action management in the overall enterprise management system, consistently reveals all the main components of competitive action management, such as: competitive analysis and audit tools of competitors, target planning of competitive action, the establishment of competitive dispositions, predicting the response of competitive action, the selection of competitive «field», resource and organizational providing of competitive action, the control of execution of competitive actions, the competitive motivation. The author describes a typical set of techniques of simple and weighted comparison of competitors, suggests ways of formation of vectors of competitive differences, methods of making a competitive maps of market, and a number of other instruments of competitive management. The article also describes the characteristics of competitive actions that are meaningful in their planning phase: effectiveness, strength, quality, speed, intensity, stability of competitive action. The author also describes the main areas of competitive motivation of employees of the company: strengthening of personal competitiveness, inspiration of competitive self-management and competitive self-motivation.

Development of competitive strategies

The article describes the mechanisms of determining the company’s strategic goals of participation in the competition. The author describes the processes of identifying the firm’s strategic areas of business and competition, of detection of strategic competitive conditions, of definition and classification of company`s strategic environment, of development of a strategic competitive disposition. The author reveals the content of the strategic management of competitive action, describes the stages of planning strategically significant competitive actions, competitive results and competitive potential. The article also reveals the content of processes of planning of strategic competitive fields. The author describes the possibility of combining different competitive strategies. The article considers the process of incentives, organizing and application controlling of competitive strategies.

Tactics of competitive actions of market participants

The article reveals the difference of tactical and strategic competitive behavior of firms. The author describes the system of tactical management of competitive actions of firms, distinguishes tactical competitive operations and tactical models of competitive action. The author emphasizes the relationship between planning of tactical operations, the balance of competitive forces between tactical rivals, and the definition of tactical competitive advantages and disadvantages of the competing firms. The author reveals the content of tactical competitive dispositions, including development of tactical operations and organizational scenario of competitive behavior of firms. Also the author identifies and describes the components of management of tactical operations: an organizational and motivational conditions, operational control of tactical operations, and determination of the degree of sustainability of competitive action.

Tactical models and operations in competition

The article is devoted to the tactical level of competitive behavior of firms. Author postulates firms competitive tactics as a set of competitive action, grouped in the tactical models, and actually implemented in tactical operations against certain tactical competitors in a short period of time. The author emphasizes that different tactical models implement some competitive strategies of firms, and offers a matrix of types of competitive strategies of market participants and types of tactical models of competitive action. 
The author shows, that the classification of tactical models of competitive actions in general should follow the classification of types of competitive action (offensive, defensive, combination). So the author identifies tactical model: front and flank attack; deaf, valid and preventive defense; counterattack; guerrilla warfare; retreat; rational self isolation; non-conflict; consent; joint defense and joint offence; and tactical maneuvers. 
The author understands the tactical maneuvers as a combination of competitive actions of market participants, who considered making any changes in the realization of tactical operations. The article consistently describes and characterizes all offered types of tactical models of competitive action.

Tactical tricks in companies competitive interactions

This article continues the series of papers that reveal the foundations of the theory of behavioral competition by companies in the market. The author describes the aims and objectives of application of tactical tricks in information space of competition, particularly in image-building. Tactical tricks are implemented by firms as part of the tactical combinational operations through methods of information dissemination and management of attention of competitive environment participants. From all variety of tactical tricks the author identifies and describes in details three types of tactical tricks: tactical ploys — demonstration of behavioral manners via realization of competitive actions, filling external atributs of business with attractive images, ways to make images more public or refrain from publicity; tactical puzzles — creating and disseminating illusions, manipulating by stereotypical images, competitive advantages simulations; tactical traps — tactical feints, baits and bluff.

Competitive status of market participants

The author offers definition of the competitive status of a market participant, discloses notion of the competitive environment and competitive forces. The author identifies the competitive status of company as companies role in the innovative transformation of the market environment: innovator, conformist, exploiter, niche actor. 
The author consistently reveals the peculiarities of firms in competitive status as a leader, challenger for the leadership, the middle peasants (the representative of the crowd), and the outsider. Also author identifies the main features of the paired competitive dispositions of firms with different competitive status. 
Paper describes some tactical model, implemented by leader against challengers. The author reveals content of the concept of «burden of leadership» and formulates «commandments» of the leader and the challengers for the leadership. 
The paper reveals the definition of the competitive status of market participants by comparison competition in business and competition in nature (by A. Yudanov).The article also describes the competitive status of the debutant, debutante types and formulates 10 rules of successful debut.

Entrepreneurship education: the way of rooting in University segment of Russian education

Entrepreneurship is the main vector of the global economy evolution throughout its long history. In the modern world, entrepreneurship has become a way of internationalization of social life, inter-ethnic and inter-cultural cooperation of people. Not in doubt, the key importance of entrepreneur-ship as a system-forming element of the modern Russian economy. However, entrepreneurship is still not recognized in Russia as a direction of socially useful activity of people and respected profession. There are several factors that limit the formation of positive images of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in the minds of Russians and not allow you to put entrepreneurship on a par with other professions. The biggest problem in terms of rooting constructive ideas about modern entrepreneurship is the lack of a definition of specific items and objects of professional activity of entrepreneurs, the enterprise resources and business processes, the mission of the entrepreneurship in the Russian economy, the professional interests of entrepreneurs and the list of professional functions, that are the exclusive competency of the entrepreneurs.

Teaching tactics of competitive actions in the modern master's degree

Teaching tactics of competitive actions in the modern master's degree Read more...

Competition: the Influence of Personality of the Companies Leaders

The article is the first published in Russian in which races consistently noticeable issue about the influence of personality on competition in the entrepreneur as. Adhering to a multidisciplinary approach to the study of competition, the author identifies the main segments of such influence competitive motivation of the leaders of the companies, their degree of professional competence in matters of personal involvement in competition and in management issues of competitive actions, their personal competitiveness, as well as personal qualities and personal inclination, professional important to participate in the competition and invites colleagues to discussion. The article provides a rationale for the concepts of competitive competence, competitive ability, trait competitiveness, competitive spirit, a competitive way of thinking, manners and styles of competitive behavior of companies in competitive environment.

Entrepreneurial self-management


About the constructive theory of competition in entrepreneurship

This paper considers how a constructive and functional approach to studying competition in entrepreneurship can be applied in accordance with interdisciplinary methodology. It discusses problems concerning the foundations of a constructive theory of competition and describes the role played by the an entrepreneur’s competitive functions during the creation, maintenance, and development stages of both their own businesses and other businesses, as well as within the larger space of the competitive environment. The authors draw attention to the need for further research on the diverse array of functions carried out on a multi-criteria basis by participants in modern enterprise, on the distinctions between entities participating in competition, and on how the structures of competitive actions can be systematized according to their identified types, methods, directions, behavioral characteristics, and level structures. The article also addresses the question of what impact the entrepreneur’s personal characteristics have on how their competitive actions are planned and executed. The author concludes that a constructive theory of competition could be utilized in the scientific effort to justify a consistent core system of theoretical ideas on the competitive activities of enterprise and its evolution while also establishing consistency in the use of «competitive» and «semi-competitive» terminology in theory and in practice. Keywords: the competition theory, the constructive approach to the research of competition in entrepreneurship, the competitive function, objects and construction of the competitive actions, the competitive advantages and disadvantages, the competitive position, functional role of competitive groups, the character of competitive interaction, developing, constructing of the competitive actions.

Entrepreneurship theory: space of functional approach

This paper considers how constructive and functional approaches to studying entrepreneurship can be applied in accordance with interdisciplinary methodology. It discusses problems of identification of entrepreneurs — identification and systematization of the executable of their professional functions due to the target goals of business’s role in life and which form the content of entrepreneurship as one of areas of human activity. The author draws attention to the need to systematize entrepreneurial functions, which form the core of the identity of the entrepreneurial profession and forms its unique functional specificity, which distinguishes it from the professions of manager, engineer, inventor, designer, economist, and other professions that have their own functional specificity. The article also considers the question of correlation of the core identity of entrepreneurial profession with entrepreneurial functions and personality traits of entrepreneurs. Namely, it is described the structure of blocks of personal traits of entrepreneurs necessary for them to conduct successful entrepreneurial activity. The author concludes that the application of the functional approach would make it possible to successfully advance in solving the scientific problem of substantiating the irreducible identification core of the system of theoretical entrepreneurship concepts, its evolution, as well as to achieve an orderly application of the «entrepreneurial» terminology in theory and practice.

Формирование профессиональных компетенций для успешного участия в конкуренции в процессе освоения студентами программ по предпринимательству в современном бакалавриате

The article deals with the participation of entrepreneurs in competition as an integral part of the core identity of the entrepreneurship education programs subject. The authors draw the readers attention to the content of competition competencies in entrepreneurship. The latter include knowledge in the field of successful participation in the competition for various objects involved in the entrepreneurial environment, as well as the skills necessary to ensure competitive advantage. Their value is defined in system of development results of entrepreneurship education programs in the modern bachelor degree. Competition competencies are structured on the competencies in the field of competition actions and competencies in the field of management of competition actions, including the management of personal participation in competition. In the context of ongoing discussions, the authors defend constructive and functional approaches to the formation of students ' competition competencies in the learning process. The article describes in detail the matrix of competition competencies, which is the basis of the «competitive» segment of the bachelor's program in entrepreneurship at the Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy», the content and structure of the learning course «Competition in entrepreneurship » for students of bachelor’s degree.

Specific features of startup competencies as planned outcomes of entrepreneurship learning in bachelor's degree

Competencies are essential prerequisites for entrepreneurial activity and, therefore, for a person. In this article, a number of competencies have been identified based on a specific vision of entrepreneurship. The issue of structuring competencies in the field of entrepreneurship should be studied and discussed more widely, and the classification of startup competencies should be further developed. Startup competencies are interpreted as a set of special knowledge and skills necessary for entrepreneurs to successfully enter their own business and are an integral part of the results of entrepreneurship education in the undergraduate program.In this article, were used methods to find a solution to the problem, such as general logical methods. Also, the article used a case study method, which made it possible to identify the cause-and- effect relationships of processes in the context of learning how to create startups and learning all the functions of entrepreneurial activity. The competence-based approach was used as a methodological tool for the study of start-up competencies in entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship programs should not be limited to just focusing on starting a startup, since the professional functionality of entrepreneurs is much broader and includes the functions of maintaining, developing and ending their own business.It is important for every entrepreneur to learn how to conduct and develop a business in order to ensure its competitiveness and competitive stability.An in-depth study of startup competencies will allow developing the theory of entrepreneurship, enriching the education system. Read more...

Training family business in undergraduate

In modern conditions, the development of entrepreneurship is complicated by the lack of uniform educational standards for teaching the conduct of this area of professional activity. In this regard, the article poses the issues of using a competence-based approach to training potential successors of family companies, which is significant for ensuring the success and long-term sustainability of family entrepreneurship. The authors of the article point out the need for the formation of additional professional competencies of students who have the prospect of entering the family business. Displaying the practical use of the proposed approach in the teaching of the discipline “family business” in the undergraduate University “Synergy”. Read more...

Development of the professional standard of the entrepreneur as a condition for increasing the efficiency of involving youth in entrepreneurship

The article examines the issues of increasing the efficiency of involving Russian youth in entrepreneurship on a professional basis. The possibilities of creating a professional standard for an entrepreneur and the formation of its content are analyzed. For the first time, a substantiation of the specifics of professional entrepreneurship inherent in the 3rd level of entrepreneurial qualifications is given. The author provides the rationale for the functional map of the professional standard of an entrepreneur with the third level of professional qualifications. For the first time, it is given a detailed substantiation of the labor functions of entrepreneurs for the current business, creating their own business, conducting start-ups of new business projects, qualitative and quantitative business development, stopping entrepreneurship up to the liquidation of their own business. It is substantiated that the listed functions are of a labor nature and are characteristic exclusively for entrepreneurship as a special type of professional activity. It is proved that the solution of entrepreneurial problems constitutes the active basis of the content of entrepreneurship as a type of professional activity. The content and objects of labor knowledge and skills necessary for the implementation of labor functions inherent in entrepreneurship as a type of professional activity and the performance of labor actions in entrepreneurship are revealed, which is essential for the formation of the planned results of entrepreneurship learning. Read more...

Competition competencies study in the master's program

This article is devoted to competitive competencies in entrepreneurship as the results of training in the programs of entrepreneurial education in the master’s program. This unique area of expertise is critical to success in entrepreneurship, but is still not enough researched and classified. Modern methods of teaching entrepreneurship are based on a competence-based approach to the study of professional entrepreneurial competencies, the purpose of which is to consistently master a certain set of necessary entrepreneurial competencies. The article examines the existing approaches to competition when considering the classification of competitive competencies related to entrepreneurship, and also determines the place of competitive competencies in the composition of entrepreneurial competencies. The author’s classification of professionally significant entrepreneurial competencies for various levels of higher education (bachelor’s and master’s degrees) is given, which should be structured into professional, general professional, universal competencies, as well as other competencies (industry, regional, etc.). The features of teaching entrepreneurial competencies at the master’s level are determined. The unique experience of studying and development of entrepreneurial competencies on the graduate level and appropriate methods to effectively develop competitive competence in two stages is described: first, to develop core competencies , namely: competence in various types, methods and styles of competitive actions; competence in competitive positioning; competence in the management of competitive actions; competence in compliance with antitrust laws; competencies in the selection and management of competitive status, and then specific competencies in the development and implementation of competitive strategy and tactics of competition. Read more...

Some diagnostic issues of schoolchildren entrepreneurial abilities and their propensities to entrepreneurship

The article provides a substantiation of a model for diagnosing a propensity and aptitude for doing business, which is based on the functional theory of entrepreneurship. The content of any entrepreneur’s activity is based on an entrepreneurial resource, with the help of which business owners gain competitive advantages. By becoming effective participants in business processes, they must ensure and maintain the effectiveness and competitiveness of their business; be able to establish business communications for the organization of production and sale of goods; provide services and perform the necessary work related to labor functions. However, the uniqueness of an entrepreneur’s activity lies in the fact that in this profession, an entrepreneurial resource is combined with natural entrepreneurship, which, under equal conditions for doing business, will allow a person not only to be financially successful, but also to use his personal potential as efficiently as possible. The authors proceed from the hypothesis of natural entrepreneurship, which underlies any business. A diagnostic test has been developed that allows at the early stages of career guidance to determine the integral meaning of entrepreneurship, including cognitive, motivational and emotional-volitional prerequisites for doing business. The authors, using the method of expert assessment, identified parameters that are professionally significant characteristics and satisfy the functions of business, reflect the personal qualities and tendencies of people to engage in entrepreneurship differentiate schoolchildren by the parameter “entrepreneurship” in the early stages of career guidance. And also, they allow diagnosing the most important personal characteristics, that determining the entrepreneurial professionalization of schoolchildren in the process of teaching entrepreneurship. Read more...

Bachelor degree university program: common context of learning entrepreneurship courses

The article is devoted to the internal context dependence of the training courses studied under the entrepreneurship program in the bachelor’s degree. Unlike other approaches, the authors extend the context dependence to any training courses included in the training program. Approaches to the study of the management cycle of training courses by future entrepreneurs are analyzed. Using the example of structuring the content of the training course “Human Resource Management”, it is shown how the training program should be oriented to form the general professional competencies necessary for graduates to have a successful career in entrepreneurship. The article has practical significance, since the developed approach to teaching disciplines was successfully used in real business in competitive conditions, as well as theoretical significance, due to the contribution of the conclusions obtained in the article to the development of scientific ideas about the place of entrepreneurship in the educational process and the connection with the taught disciplines of the management cycle with the training of future entrepreneurs. The use of this article can also help educational organizations, including universities and colleges, to develop educational programs in which the content of management disciplines would be focused on teaching entrepreneurship as a profession. What has already been implemented in the practice of the Synergy University. Read more...

How to teach social entrepreneurship within bachelor degree university program

. Working in unfavorable economic conditions, in a competitive environment, requires constant improvement and development from a social entrepreneur. It is vital for entrepreneurs to acquire new knowledge and master professional skills. It should be recognized that the issues of teaching social entrepreneurship are a relatively new area of scientific and practical research. At the same time, the world practice has already accumulated a wealth of experience in implementing educational programs in the field of teaching social entrepreneurship. This article is devoted to the systematization of ideas about the key approaches to teaching social entrepreneurship in the bachelor's degree, to the development of the main content blocks of special training courses. The authors prove that the experience of developing such programs in Russia corresponds to global trends. The article deals with the main approaches to the formation of an educational entrepreneurial program in the bachelor's degree with the specifics in the field of training in social entrepreneurship. Its components are formalized, including the thematic plan, competencies, methods, forms of training and control. To familiarize readers with the experience of teaching bachelors in social entrepreneurship, the article describes in detail the professional educational program "Fundamentals of Social Entrepreneurship", implemented at the Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy". The conducted research on the problem of teaching social entrepreneurship can become the basis for further study of the specifics of obtaining knowledge about the management of social enterprises in Russia and other countries. Read more...

Continuous Entrepreneurship Education: Formation of an Innovative Model (2021 Experience)

The article presents the results of the federal innovation project implementation “Model of an innovative system of continuous entrepreneurship education of higher education of the Russian Federation” in 2021, created in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 1580 dated December 25, 2020, in the Synergy University. The goal of the project is to design, create and implement an innovative system of entrepreneurship education in a higher educational institution of the Russian Federation. It also analyzes the relevance and innovative implementation of the project from the standpoint of the current state of entrepreneurship education in the Russian Federation at the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Competencies that form the core of an entrepreneur’s professional competence are analyzed. Based on this analysis, the substantiation of the professional competency-based model of practice-oriented education is provided for the programs of lifelong entrepreneurship education. The sequence of the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies at the levels of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in entrepreneurship programs is revealed. The described approaches formed the basis for the refinement and improvement of competency matrices. It is proved that the development of a harmonized curriculum should be based on the proposed approach to the formation of learning outcomes. The authors describe the design features of methodological content that contributes to the consistent application of practice-oriented approaches in the implementation of lifelong entrepreneurship education programs, as well as innovative techniques, technologies, entrepreneurship training, and the trajectory of individualization of training for undergraduate and graduate programs. Other issues that are considered in the article reveal the activities of the federal innovation project from the standpoint of scientific publications, the dissemination of experience in the scientific community. Based on the described results, recommendations are proposed for the further formation of an innovative system of continuous entrepreneurship education in the Russian Federation Read more...

About the Professional Standard Draft “Entrepreneur (Specialist in Solving Entrepreneurial Goals)”


Management of Participation in Competition as a Direction of Scientific Research

The article analyzes the features of management of participation in competition as an integral part of business management in a competitive environment, as well as the list of its objects. The areas of management of participation in competition are considered: management of resource support for participation in competition, management of achieving and maintaining acceptable results of participation in competition, management of business processes of participation in competition. A detailed description of the phenomena of competition activity and competition actions is given. The importance of managing the competitiveness of rival parties, managing the competitive stability of the latter, and managing their competitive positioning in the competitive environment of the modern economy is revealed. The rationale for the level approach to structuring the management of participation in competition is given; on its basis, the strategic, operational and situational levels of competition activity of the rival parties are identified. An instrumental management system for participation in competition is considered, which includes planning and control of the acceptance for execution and application of strategies for participation in competition, modeling tactics for participation in competition, forecasting tactical periods of participation in competition, development of operational scenarios and technical regulations for the use of tactical competition operations, planning, organizational and motivational regulation of actions to participate in competition, the use of working schemes of competition actions according to the situation, creation and implementation of home preparations for competition actions, justification of corridors of situational creativity, operational control of participation in competition. Read more...