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Alaverdova T.

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, University «Synergy»

Industry peculiarities of manifestations of disloyalty of teachers and its impact on the competitive position of the modern university

Subject area of article supports sector-specific manifestations of disloyalty to the employer on the part of the high school teachers. Briefly described the motives and attributes disloyal labor behavior of different types of employees: «pragmatists», «simulators», «fighters for justice», «saboteurs — the Avengers» and «conspirators». Analyzes the characteristics of their work behavior in high school and the associated threats to its reputational security as the main factor determining the competitiveness of the subjects of the higher school. HR is determined by the technology used to identify such teachers, prevention and suppression of their disloyal behavior. Proposals for the organization of interaction of departments heads, deans and the security service of the University in order to successfully address the problem.

Industry criteria of competitiveness of the teacher of high school

The subject area of the article is the competitiveness of teachers in the relevant industry segment of the domestic labor market. It clarifies the notion of competitiveness of the worker at higher school, argued the need for its continuous monitoring to improve management efficiency quality of human capital of the modern University. The criteria allowing to estimate objectively degree of competitiveness of scientific and pedagogical workers, therefore-their value for the employer are defined. Short recommendations are formulated to the management of Russian universities to ensure the compliance of their own teachers with the criteria under consideration.

Introduction of innovative technologies for the protection of the organization‘s human resources elite for the purpose of acquiring additional competitive advantages

The subject area of the article is the work of a modern organization to counter the threat of competitors luring key employees who are part of its personnel elite. The very concept of the personnel elite is specified and criteria for the inclusion of certain employees in its composition are defined. It is argued that the degree of protection of the personnel elite from the threat of luring its representatives by competitors is legitimate to consider as an additional competitive advantage of a particular organization or, accordingly, its competitive disadvantage. Recommendations on the introduction of innovative technologies to counter the threat discussed in the article are formulated and justified.

Socially-oriented human resources strategy as an additional competitive advantage of the modern organization

The subject area of the article is the personnel strategy of a modern organization as one of the factors directly affecting its market position. The concept of a socially - oriented personnel strategy is clarified and the thesis that it is legitimate to consider it as an additional competitive advantage of a particular business entity - the employer is argued. Criteria are formulated and justified with the help of which it is possible to objectively assess the degree of social orientation of the personnel strategy. Threats are revealed to the market positions of an organization that implements an asocial personnel strategy.

Effective anti-corruption as a competitive advantage of a professional enterprise

The subject area of the article is the work of a modern organization to counter the threat of corruption from its officials. Persons Specific forms of implementing corruption threats in the commercial, financial, production, technological and personnel areas of the business entity are specified, their negative impact on market positions is determined. The thesis is argued that the degree of protection from the threat of corruption by its own persons is rightfully considered as an additional competitive advantage of any subject of professional entrepreneurship or, accordingly, its competitive disadvantage. The concept of a “workplace with a corruption component” is disclosed and their list in a modern commercial organization is specified. Personal qualities and other characteristics of a candidate for employment or an employee already in the staff are determined, which exclude the possibility of replacing such workplaces. Recommendations are formulated and argued for the introduction of four groups of HR technologies implemented within various areas of the corporate personnel management system and ensuring effective prevention or prompt identification of relevant threats in order to acquire additional competitive advantages for the subject of professional entrepreneurship. The first group of technologies is used in the process of selecting candidates for replacement of jobs with a corruption component. The purpose of their implementation is to identify individual characteristics, the presence of which calls into question both the overall loyalty of the applicant and its “anti-corruption stability.” The second group of technologies involves the prevention of corruption through the use of special tools for the economic motivation of personnel. The third group of technologies provides the possibility of both prevention and detection of the threats under consideration and involves the use of special control procedures when concluding business contracts and contracts for a large business size of a particular organization. Finally, the fourth group of technologies is used to monitor the activities of employees replacing jobs with a corruption component. Read more...