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Lednev V.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Vice-President, Head of Sports Management Department, Synergy University
Moscow, Russia

Финансовый директор и главный бухгалтер: соперничество или сотрудничество?

В практике работы многих российских компаний нередко встает вопрос об объединении или напротив разделении финансовой дирекции и бухгалтерии Необходимость решения данного вопроса зачастую обусловлена возникшими развивающимся в компании административным конфликтом конкуренцией и противодействием между двумя службами. Бесспорно, что устойчивое финансовое положение компании во многом зависит от объективного анализа грамотного планирования умелого управления денежными потоками и других компонентов финансового менеджмента. Кто же должен осуществлять на предприятии функции управления финансами? Редакция журнала обратилась с этим вопросом к специалисту, имеющему почти 30-летний практический опыт работы финансовым директором в «советских» и рыночных компаниях — старшему преподавателю кафедры стратегического и финансового менеджмента Московской финансово-промышленной академии Ледневу Валерию Алексеевичу. Read more...

Competition in sports: new trends and patterns of development

The article describes the different forms of competition that appears in the development of the global sports industry and in professional sports.

The sports industry: education in entrepreneurship and management

Modern sport now has evolved into a powerful, investment-attractive industry. Leading international sports organizations, sports leagues and professional clubs operate as a proper commercial enterprise and have a good level of income. The article provides analysis of key trends in the global sports industry, which is extremely important in order to correctly prioritize the training of managers and entrepreneurs for the Russian sports organizations. An attempts to show how sports education looks in Russia today taking into account specifics of different educational programs is made in the article. On the example of the Sport management faculty of the «Synergy» University the matrix of professional competencies of students of undergraduate and graduate programs is described. Russian sports industry has good opportunities for the development of entrepreneurial projects, and therefore it is necessary to shift the focus towards entrepreneurship education in sport.

Entrepreneurship in the sports industry: opportunities, expectations and results

The article analyzes the modern development of the sports industry and shows what opportunities exist for entrepreneurship in sports. The examples of commercialization of various sports organizations (federations, leagues, clubs), which, in fact, today have become commercial enterprises with their specific production, special products and specific consumers of their products and services. It is shown that the sports event is the main product of the sports industry, which allows sports organizations, organizers of sports competitions and professional athletes to earn. Competitive relations in the world sport are analyzed, where countries, organizations of sports events, professional leagues and clubs compete today. It is noted that quite often the competition is unfair; it is shown how it affects the development of the global sports industry.

Entrepreneurship in sport: it is necessary to develop the club system

Today, Russia is beginning to actively develop entrepreneurship in the sports industry. Sports clubs in various sports are being created all over the country, and the fitness industry has been developing dynamically for many years. The article analyzes the development of the club system in mass sports. Specific efforts of the state to create sports infrastructure for sports are shown. The best practices of club activities in mass sports (running industry, corporate sports, private sports clubs) are given. It shows how dynamically sports and fitness clubs are developing. As a conclusion, we can say that Russian sports clubs have good opportunities to develop business activities in sports.

Increasing Competition in the Process of Commercialization in the Sports Industry

The article provides a preliminary analysis of the development of commercialization in the sports industry in the “pandemic period”. The entire global sports industry is going through difficult times, as many sports organizations (federations, professional leagues and clubs) have lost a certain part of their income. This became especially noticeable when there were serious restrictions on the presence of fans at sports events. Therefore, now many sports organizations have serious financial problems, including such as the IOC, international sports federations, professional leagues and clubs, both in America and in Europe. Although, some sports have only benefited from the global COVID-19 pandemic, for example, chess and cybersports. In the context of increasing competition in world sports for the attention, interests and money of the main consumers, the conditions for the development of different sports will change. Whoever adapts faster to the current factors of intersectoral competition will remain the winner. Although popular sports, such as football, basketball, tennis, boxing and some others, initially have the best starting opportunities for commercialization and increasing their income. It is important for the Russian sports industry to understand the future trends in the development of world sports and intersectoral competition in order to find the optimal balance between economic and sport results. The results of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo allow us to hope that Russia’s sports potential can be developed and improved by competing with other leading sports countries. Read more...

Entrepreneurship in the Russian Sports Industry: Current Development Trends

This article attempts to investigate the current state of affairs in the development of entrepreneurship in the Russian sports industry, as well as to show their possible perspectives. This issue is very relevant today, because the state sets the task of starting to earn to sports organizations and organizers of sports events, bearing in mind commercial sources of income, because in the coming years there will be a phased reduction in funding from the budget, especially if it comes to professional sports. The purpose of this study is to analyze how entrepreneurship in the sports industry is developing today, bearing in mind different types of sports, and why it is necessary to develop specialized entrepreneurship studying programs in sports. Among the main objectives of the study: to show successful examples and practices of entrepreneurship development in different segments of the sports industry and to explain the possibilities of entrepreneurship development in sports, taking into account the emergence and implementation of specialized studying programs, primarily additional education programs. This article presents the author’s own vision of how entrepreneurship is developing today in mass and corporate sports, as well as in the fitness industry. The article uses various research methods, including comparative analysis and statistical methods. The scientific results include an analysis of the potential audience of such specialized studying programs and the direction of development of targeted programs, including various sports and functional areas. The justification of the need for aspiring entrepreneurs to be trained in additional education programs (advanced training and professional retraining) is given. In the next article, the author will try to more specifically form a model of professional competencies for entrepreneurship training programs in sports. Read more...

Directions of Entrepreneurship Development in the Sports Industry

The article analyzes various directions of business development in the Russian sports industry, which ultimately form a potential demand for entrepreneurship training in different segments. The Russian sports industry today shows absolutely different successful examples of entrepreneurship development applicable to industry segments, meaning professional and mass sports, as well as the sports and wellness industry. The analysis of successful business practices in the sports industry makes it possible to determine the main trajectories of possible educational programs. Among them are club activities, organization of sports events and personal management of a professional athlete. Each development trajectory is associated with specific product manufacturers and their consumers. The main products of the sports industry are sports events and sports and wellness services. Manufacturers include professional leagues and clubs, organizers of sports events, fitness clubs. Among consumers, viewers and fans, partners and sponsors, various media and clients of sports and fitness clubs can be distinguished. Therefore, specific professional competencies differ markedly, although there is also a set of general professional competencies. The development of a matrix of professional competencies in the future will help make these training programs very popular for entrepreneurs. Read more...

Competition in Sports Industry Products Market

The global sports industry is today a large sector of the global economy, which is dynamically developing in the face of competition from numerous sports organizations, as well as various business representatives and popular media. The article analyzes the main products of the sports industry (a sports event and a sports and wellness service), gives a general real picture of the sports industry market, taking into account both various manufacturers and consumers of these products. Each product of the sports industry has its own characteristics, taking into account the development of various segments of the industry (professional and mass sports, youth sports and fitness industries). Within the framework of the conducted research, specific elements of the competitive strategy of various manufacturers of the sports industry have been identified, taking into account the characteristics of the products of this industry. The authors note the emergence of digital sports (e-sports, sports programming, fidgital sports, etc.), which significantly affects the competition of the sports events market. Competition in the sports and wellness services market is associated with the development of entrepreneurial activity in mass and youth sports, as well as in the fitness industry. The article shows how competition in the sports industry is developing today, how the competitive environment is being formed and for which products consumers of the industry are competing. The presented article shows the level of development of the competitive environment in the sports industry. Read more...