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Leontieva L.

PhD in Economics, Professor of the Department of regional and municipal managemen, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Resources of entrepreneurial competencies integrated development

Professional entrepreneurial competencies in the process of training students and students in Russian universities are still being formed, despite the fact that in most countries with developed and developing economies entrepreneurial education is a global trend. The results of the sociological survey show the relevance of the foundations of entrepreneurship among university students. In this connection, there is a need for the formation of entrepreneurial competencies both within the university and outside it. In the present article analyzes the current status of entrepreneurial competencies in Russia and the relationship between the level of their development with the quality of business activities and the state of business demography. It considers the characteristics of the mental attitude towards business and unequal distribution of public opinion on the regions in terms of development of entrepreneurial skills. Generalized tools and educational resources integrated development of entrepreneurial competences to educational institutions for different sectors of the economy. The conclusion is made that, despite the relatively short period of entrepreneurial activity in Russia, in the very near future the family business can become a key trend in the development of business activity, but for this the educational community must form all conditions and necessary entrepreneurial competencies.

National business culture in Russia: institutional formation mechanisms

The article is devoted to the analysis of causes for low entrepreneurial activity in Russia and its limited growth rates. The authors note that this situation is also typical for other transition countries and it is connected with historical background and mental peculiarities the absence thereof adaptive entrepreneurial culture. There are certain tendencies in development of mental characteristics of modern Russian business connected with certain features of national business environment. Infrastructural constituents of external business environment mold those standards, norms, rules that characterize entrepreneurial culture shape. Modern economic environment demands maximum efficiency of infrastructure facilities use for business support as a an input tool for business activity development, creation of an assessment system for evaluating the impact of support institutions on shaping positive properties of business environment. This paper highlights systematizing of infrastructural instruments of business activity support upon criterion of an impact extent on entrepreneurial culture condition. To such criteria the authors refer the following: attitude toward property; resource management; attitude toward own and hired human capital; attitude toward income and principles of its distribution; attitude toward social corporate responsibility; implemented business ethics principles. As a result, the authors reveal correlation of institutional tools application principles for additive entrepreneurial culture formation at different lifecycle milestones.

Competence-based characteristics of entrepreneurial labor as an asset for improving business unit competitiveness

In this paper the authors present an approach defining entrepreneurial labor as a specific type of highly intellectual activity in a context of risk and uncertainty, and aimed at creating benefits case for both owners and employees and the state at large. This author's approach is mandated by the fact that business entities, especially representatives of small businesses and self-employed citizens exercise significant number of entrepreneurial functions. As a result of their practical evaluation in the cause of real business activities, the owner of business reaches the state of absolute “competence”. The authors reason of the quality and progress of entrepreneurial labor as an activity that reflects the professional entrepreneurial and managerial competencies of a business owner. A matrix of self-employed citizen competencies was created through the prism of specific competencies set at strategic, tactical and situational levels of business management, as well as depending on the competitive position of the entrepreneur in the market. Ultimately, in the opinion of the authors, professional work, professional entrepreneurial and management competencies should be based on the concept of «professional talentism». This will enhance competitive advantage of a business unit.