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Kluev А.

PhD in Philosophical sciences, Associate Professor, UrFU

Entrepreneurial education in Russian universities: scope, types of programs, balance of competences

There is a result of the conducted research on the analysis of entrepreneurial curricula at the undergraduate and graduate level are indicated in the article. There was chosen Russian universities that announced curricula of this kind in which the following parameters were studied: the proportion of undergraduate programs of entrepreneurial education among all undergraduate programs; the proportion of graduate programs of entrepreneurial education among all graduate programs; the proportion of disciplines in the framework of entrepreneurial curricula focused on hard skills development; the proportion of disciplines in the framework of entrepreneurial curricula focused on soft skills development.
The analysis shows:
— Significant heterogeneity of the implemented programs of entrepreneurial education in terms of a balance of hard skills and soft skills;
— The prevalence of hard skills, which largely contrasts with the general trends in the development of entrepreneurial education and the growing role of soft skills, noted by researchers and experts;
— The limited scope of the implementation of the entrepreneurial curricula, the underdevelopment of the trajectories of entrepreneurial education in the segment of natural, scientific, social and technical fields of study. The article suggests recommendations on the development of entrepreneurial curricula based on the analysis done.
The publication is of interest to researchers, teachers and experts in the field of enterprise development. Read more...

Entrepreneurial education on graduate level: current state and new challenges

This article continues the series of publications devoted to the study of entrepreneurial curricula at Russian universities and their impact on the formation of the small and medium business sector in our country. A study of entrepreneurial curricula at the graduate level has been carried out. In general, our analysis shows the underdevelopment of entrepreneurial education at the graduate level in Russian universities. Also, our data confirm the existence of a significant gap between the attempts of entrepreneurial activities of the universities and the content of the graduate curricula they implement. Among the results of the our research, we can note that the master’s curricula in entrepreneurial education is potentially the most perspective and in demand for solving the problems of regional development. Analysis of the programs for the development of «basic» universities, a new group of Russian universities formed to support the development of territories, shows that most universities recognize their challenges and activities in this area, however, the level of existing practices does not yet allow us to speak about the sustainability of the process of creating new master’s curricula in entrepreneurship. A significant methodological and content limitation of the formation of master’s curricula in entrepreneurship is the unresolved issues of the correlation between hard and soft skills, future skills in the system of graduate education. The professional community has not yet developed approaches to the development of curricula, teaching technologies that meet the modern demands in entrepreneurial education. There are the lack of discussion platforms on these topics, discussions are mostly concentrated in several universities and the Russian Association for Entrepreneurship Education. The question of taking into account the educational results obtained in other universities and types of entrepreneurship curricula, in particular on the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programmes, remains a difficult issue. Coinciding for a large part of the content, requirements and learning outcomes, they are in different «weight» categories and are difficult to integrate, contrary to common sense. It seems to us that the existing approaches to the financing of the graduate programmes practically do not give a chance to create educational products of the required quality. If there is no drastic change in funding standards, the set of graduate programs will for the most part remain slightly improved undergraduate programs, including in the graduate level of entrepreneurial education.

Entrepreneurial education in modern Russian universities: regional aspect

The article discusses the dynamics of the development of entrepreneurial education in Russian universities. The authors conducted a survey of graduate and undergraduate curricula in universities in the country for the period of 2017 — 2019 with the regional focus. This made it possible to compare the current level of implementation of entrepreneurial curricula with the data of 2017, as well as to assess the state of entrepreneurial ecosystems of the regions in terms of the provision of entrepreneurs with higher education institutions. The obtained data allowed to establish the growth in the number of programs for entrepreneurial education of bachelor and master programs, and the analysis of statistical data on the state of entrepreneurship posed the problem of the growing gap in the orientation of student youth towards entrepreneurial activity and the contraction of the entrepreneurial segment in the national economy. The article provides recommendations on the development of entrepreneurial education, describes the key areas and problems of development in this field of university activity.