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№ 5(11) 01 september 2008 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
The author: Borsuk D. S.

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Three scientific and industrial revolutions (SIR) have taken place for the last 200 years. They have changed peoples' views on many of the subjects pertaining to various scientific and technical fields, and have brought about the present arrangement of forces in the world politics and econom¬ics. The first SIR and invention in 1769 of a steam engine by the Scottish engineer James Watt are inextricably intertwined. The revolution has initiated the strengthening of the English state position and has turned the Pound Sterling into the main world reserve currency of the 18th and 19th century. The second SIR of 1948 is associated with the name of Norbert Wiener. It created prerequisites for the creation of today's information systems and predetermined the US leadership on the IT market. The emergence of the nuclear weapons of mass destruction determined the content and the composition of the post-WWII world political arena. The third SIR is a characteristic of the current period. 'What results will it bring on a global scale? What changes will it bring to the modern world?' — These are the questions the Russian and foreign scientists are trying to find the answers to today.
№ 5(11) 01 september 2008 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
Authors: Bogolyubova N. P., Pleshcheva V. V.

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The economic situation on the world financial market is bad, and there are not many opportunities now to get «cheap» loans from abroad. That is why it is so important to identify the domestic source of readily available and disposable assets and turn them into the operating assets. One of such sources is the private households' money. If the national financial system is fine-tuned to attract the households' funds, an opportunity will be created to increase the investment inflow into the Russian economy. The key players who operate on the financial market (e. g. banks, UlTs, privately-owned entities that create pension funds, insurance companies, and joint-stock companies) have already started a serious battle for the available funds held by the private households. Who will be the one to get the peoples' money? And would people trust a business entity in the first place? The success in the competition for the households' funds depends on whether we become fully aware of the factors that influence the savings-related people's behavior and of the objectives and motivation people have when choosing a way to keep their savings. It is also important to correctly assess the regional physical entities' savings' characteristics. The regional savings' structure knowledge will help make better decisions in regard of the competition methods and ways to attract the counterparties.
№ 5(11) 01 september 2008 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Korepanov E. N.

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The author analyzes administrative, structural and institutional factors contributing to the Russian scientific work sector competitiveness level change. The factors include the way the objects and facilities-related rights of ownership and copyright on the work results are treated; the way the money is allocated for each stage of the project work and research; the way various types of industrial facilities are used. The author proves that the state executive bodies should take the initiative and take steps to improve the rate of return of the entities that take part in the scientific work.
№ 5(11) 01 september 2008 year
Rubric: Consult a specialist
The author: Lednev V.

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В практике работы многих российских компаний нередко встает вопрос об объединении или напротив разделении финансовой дирекции и бухгалтерии Необходимость решения данного вопроса зачастую обусловлена возникшими развивающимся в компании административным конфликтом конкуренцией и противодействием между двумя службами. Бесспорно, что устойчивое финансовое положение компании во многом зависит от объективного анализа грамотного планирования умелого управления денежными потоками и других компонентов финансового менеджмента. Кто же должен осуществлять на предприятии функции управления финансами? Редакция журнала обратилась с этим вопросом к специалисту, имеющему почти 30-летний практический опыт работы финансовым директором в «советских» и рыночных компаниях — старшему преподавателю кафедры стратегического и финансового менеджмента Московской финансово-промышленной академии Ледневу Валерию Алексеевичу. Continue...
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Neklessa A. I.

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Today Russia is facing a problem of choosing priorities in the foreign affairs, and the problem is as acute as it never has been. The geographic and strategic position that Russia occupies between the East and the West determines the country's development trends and the inconsistency in the coun-try's development throughout the history. The trend was described by Petr Chaadayev, Russian first geopolitical analyst. «As Russia is in-between the two main parts of the world, the West and the East, and is adjacent to China on the one hand and close to Germany on the other, it should have coupled the two main spiritual work pillars, imagination and reason, and incorporate the world history into its own civilization. But the country's role that is determined by Heavens is not like this», he said. What is that role? This is the question that is to be answered and the Russians are constantly in search for the answer. The author examines the geographic and economic situation the foreign countries and Russia are in and the future of the country that we have to build taking into consideration the world economic development trends.
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Romanova O. A.

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The article explores the mechanism of industrial policy implementation which emerged in the 80ies and 90ies of the XXth century, and outlines new approaches to the modern tools. The article focuses on such contemporary industrial policy tools as national priority programs implementa¬tion, cluster approach, private-public partnership, and complementary institutions on the regional development level.