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Pleshcheva V. V.

Master's Program Student, Faculty of Economics, Urals State University

Personal savings in modern Russia: who can win the battle for the private household money?

The economic situation on the world financial market is bad, and there are not many opportunities now to get «cheap» loans from abroad. That is why it is so important to identify the domestic source of readily available and disposable assets and turn them into the operating assets. One of such sources is the private households' money. If the national financial system is fine-tuned to attract the households' funds, an opportunity will be created to increase the investment inflow into the Russian economy. The key players who operate on the financial market (e. g. banks, UlTs, privately-owned entities that create pension funds, insurance companies, and joint-stock companies) have already started a serious battle for the available funds held by the private households. Who will be the one to get the peoples' money? And would people trust a business entity in the first place? The success in the competition for the households' funds depends on whether we become fully aware of the factors that influence the savings-related people's behavior and of the objectives and motivation people have when choosing a way to keep their savings. It is also important to correctly assess the regional physical entities' savings' characteristics. The regional savings' structure knowledge will help make better decisions in regard of the competition methods and ways to attract the counterparties.