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№ 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Third Scientific Conference
The author: Krestovskij I. A.

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Today financial and loan institutions are examining the ways to address the problem of laundering the proceeds from crime. By laundering the proceeds from crime it is understood the processing of the funds or other property or property titles proceeding from crime to make them appear respectable. The crime proceeds laundering can be done through any bank transactions made by both legal entities and natural persons. The money transfers made by natural persons are not excluded from the chain here. The problem is the proceeds from drug trade, illegal gun trade, trafficking in people or racketeering can be laundered via the use of a bank transfer system. The article's goal is to examine the characteristics of operations made by the monitoring organizations to monitor the operations of banks and non-bank organizations that render fund transfer services to natural persons.
№ 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Third Scientific Conference
The author: Lukashenko E. A.

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Globalization has affected banks' operations of all the countries of the world. The US real estate crisis quickly turned into a mortgage crisis, then into a loan and credit crisis, then into a liquidity crisis and then it quickly spread all over the world. It clearly proves that the modern economies are highly dependent on the transnational banks' operations. This is why a theoretical analysis of the transnational banks' nature and their operational character¬istics is a topical issue. The article's goal is to analyze the role the transnational banks are playing in the world economic processes and in the economic processes going on in Russia, in particular. The other objective is to identify the way the Russian banking sector should use to become inte-grated into the world business community.
№ 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
Authors: Luk`yanov S. A., Kislyak N. V.

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A research was made into the characteristics of 180 organizations operating in the public catering segment in the Urals Region in spring of 2006. The authors use the research findings to examine the main entrance barriers set in the market segment. The article authors break all the barriers in two categories: the structure and technology-related ones and human behavior-related ones. The empirical data gathered from the poll respondents show that the behavior-related barriers are the most important ones in terms of their influence exerted on the segment newcomers. The article authors also examine the ways to overcome the barriers. Econometric analysis helped the authors find out that the franchising and direct investments are the efficient ways to overcome the entrance barriers set in the public catering market in the Urals Region.
№ 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
The author: SHafeev R. S.

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The author examines the Russian agricultural sector competitiveness level improvement-related issues aggravated by the fierce competition in the international agricultural product sector. The author suggests that the self-regulation of the agricultural sector should become the base upon which the state should build a sector competitiveness management strategy. According to the author, the economic mechanism-based monitoring of the agricultural land fertility change should become one of such mechanisms.
№ 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
The author: Orehov S. A.

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The need to cooperate both on the regional and global scale in order to ensure the energy sector security is becoming increasingly obvious in the new geopolitical situation. The author examines the Russian energy sector security and sees it as one of the most important components of the Russian national security system. According to Dr. Orekhov, if the country develops a well-thought-through and efficient energy sector development strategy, Russia could gain more prestige on the international scale by taking good advantage of its position of a superpower that has become a global energy-supplier. Besides, Russia can increase the political influence it exerts on many re¬gions in order to improve its position as a player in the global energy sector security system where there are some problems to be solved.
№ 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Klejner G. B.

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The Russian management and owners of businesses operating in today's ever-changing environ¬ment lack strategic thinking skills and strategic planning experience. This is in many cases the rea¬son why the business management's actions are unpredictable, inconsistent, short term-oriented and are sometimes dictated by the lucrative impulses. The editorial board publishes here a series of articles written by Georgy Kleiner, a renowned Rus¬sian scholar. In his works he follows the principle of going from the abstract to the specific and from the specific to the practice and shows the essence of a strategic approach towards business management in theory and in practice.