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Transnational banking: its prospects in Russia

Published in № 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Third Scientific Conference
The author: Lukashenko E. A.
Globalization has affected banks' operations of all the countries of the world. The US real estate crisis quickly turned into a mortgage crisis, then into a loan and credit crisis, then into a liquidity crisis and then it quickly spread all over the world. It clearly proves that the modern economies are highly dependent on the transnational banks' operations. This is why a theoretical analysis of the transnational banks' nature and their operational character¬istics is a topical issue. The article's goal is to analyze the role the transnational banks are playing in the world economic processes and in the economic processes going on in Russia, in particular. The other objective is to identify the way the Russian banking sector should use to become inte-grated into the world business community.

The author:

Lukashenko E. A.


postgraduate student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

