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Orehov S. A.

Ph. D., Professor, MFPU «Synergy»

Fuel and energy sector development strategies as a tool to improve the Russian energy sector security

The need to cooperate both on the regional and global scale in order to ensure the energy sector security is becoming increasingly obvious in the new geopolitical situation. The author examines the Russian energy sector security and sees it as one of the most important components of the Russian national security system. According to Dr. Orekhov, if the country develops a well-thought-through and efficient energy sector development strategy, Russia could gain more prestige on the international scale by taking good advantage of its position of a superpower that has become a global energy-supplier. Besides, Russia can increase the political influence it exerts on many re¬gions in order to improve its position as a player in the global energy sector security system where there are some problems to be solved.

Integration of commercial banks in the financial-industrial group as a mechanism for improving the competitiveness of Russian business

The article describes the stages of the interaction of banks and financial-industrial groups, as well as mechanisms and forms of participation. The authors note in FIG (financial-industrial groups), the competitive advantages of bill mechanism and consolidated accounting. Also, the article examines the problem of FIGs in Russia


Typical competitive strategies by m. Porter: application in modern business practices

The article deals with Michael Porter`s concept of competitive strategies. All competitive strategies are considered in application to modern business practice.