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№3(99) June 2024 year


The issues of theory

This article addresses certain aspects of the global and complex problem of establishing relevant momentary and advanced relationships amongst a tremendous and evolving number of economic agents, making both independent and induced decisions on the production, consumption, and exchange of socio-economic values. Additionally, the article aims to analyze the truthfulness of the methods proposed by the authors of the monograph for forming an infinite number of multilevel and intersecting multifactorial connections between economic agents regarding their transactional links. The relevance of this article lies in its review of mesoeconomics as a dynamic system between macro and microeconomics, unlike other approaches. Through synthetic analysis, it reveals the significance and reliability of methods for “pushing” the development of the Russian economy. The article provides conclusions on the theoretical correctness and practical viability of the methodology that reveals the essence and regulation processes of meso- and microeconomic systems at sectoral and regional levels based on a multidisciplinary approach. Moreover, the authors of the monograph argue that this approach, which relies on an “amalgamation” of four subsystems, is the most promising for economic and socio-psychological theories of development, regulation, self-regulation, and management of entrepreneurial organizations at the microeconomic level. In addition to the methodological analysis of monographic approaches, the article presents and analyzes the practical views of this book. This includes the “four leaders” system and the magnitude of synergy between human, intellectual, spiritual, and cultural capital of a company, which create the architecture of the scope of practical inspirational capital. In the current conditions of the Russian economy, inter-level balance takes a special place. Therefore, the authors of the article also examine this important practical aspect, which objectively leads to virtual self-organization of socio-economic systems and to the concept of “tetrads”. The article explores the principle of the emergence of tetrads, resulting from the necessity for entrepreneurial organizations to have free access to resources of space and time for their proper functioning.

Among the fundamental problems of both economic policy and economic theory, remains the question of the choice between protecting the principle of free trade and protecting domestic production through protectionist measures. Friedrich List’s alternative (both for classical liberalism and mercantilism) concept of educational protectionism made a major contribution to economic theory. Within the framework of this article, it is proposed to consider the possibility of implementing List’s main ideas (prospects of universal association, problems of permanent restrictive measures, difficulties of regulation in the agricultural sector) in the socio-economic realities of the 20th and 21st centuries. It was shown that in the 20th century the dispute between classical liberals and mercantilists was in some way repeated in the form of the dispute between the liberal “end of history” theory (F. Fukuyama) and the peripheral capitalism theory (R. Prebisch, I. Wallerstein). It can be concluded that at the present time hopes for the possibility of overcoming protectionist barriers within the WTO have not been justified; the process of Russia’s accession to this organization was analyzed. The ideas of protectionism have become especially relevant in recent years due to the international trend of expanding trade restrictions, the intensification of trade wars, including with China, and the WTO crisis. The impossibility of resolving conflicts within the WTO is leading to the strengthening of regional trade associations. Thus, the prevailing trends led not only to weakening hopes for the benefits of free trade, but sometimes even to more radical forms of protectionism than was proposed in the F. List concept.

Regional Competitiveness

The article is devoted to the analysis of multiplier effects generated as part of the formation of the resource potential of the region. The relevance of the study is due to the need for the development of Russian regions in the difficult conditions of the modern economy. The new challenges for the Russian economy that have emerged in 2022 necessitate the search for new approaches to overcoming them. One of these approaches is proposed in this article the use of an investment multiplier to influence the process of forming the resource potential of the region. The research carried out in the article showed that the effect of the investment multiplier can have both a stimulating and a restraining effect on this process. Changing the volume of this influence will make it possible to manage the formation of regional resource potential. To implement this proposal in practice, it is necessary to manage the value of the regional investment multiplier. As a basis for such a management system, the article proposes a model that formalizes the multiplicative process, taking into account the stages of its distribution in the regional economy. Results: based on the proposed author’s model, the values of investment multipliers for the Nizhny Novgorod and Novgorod economies were calculated. The obtained multiplier values were compared with the structure of the economies of the analyzed regions. A conclusion is made about the practical possibility of influencing the value of the regional investment multiplier through influencing the parameters of the multiplicative process and changing the structure of the regional economy.

The modern development of the economy is characterized by the strengthening of competitive relations at different levels. Recently, it is the regional aspect of the development of competition that has aroused increasing interest among scientists. It is especially growing in the context of decentralization and the growing role of the regions. The subject of the study of regional aspects of competitiveness is especially relevant, because the region is the subject for the formation of competitiveness of which efforts should be directed both at the national and regional levels. The article is devoted to the consideration of the peculiarities of the competitiveness of the region on the basis of horizontal and vertical relationships of subjects at different levels of competition. The author focuses on the fact that the positive influence of internal factors of competitiveness of a particular region should contribute to the use of advantages in this area compared to other regions. The article describes a set of key competitive advantages that ensure the competitiveness of the country’s regions, which causes differences in the level of competitiveness between regions. According to certain signs, it is proposed to perceive the “competitiveness of the region” as the ability to provide competitive advantages at the regional level based on the effective use of resource potential to improve the standard of living of the population, while economic the security of other regions and the state as a whole. It is noted that, despite the obvious links, there are some undeniable differences between competitiveness at the enterprise, regional and state levels. The author emphasizes that in order to fully disclose the understanding of the peculiarities of the competitiveness of the region of the state, it must be considered in comparison with other levels of subjects of competition. The theoretical significance of this study lies in the further disclosure of the essence of regional competitiveness. The practical significance of this study lies in the possibility of using the peculiarities of the competitiveness of the region in the formation of competition policy at this level.

Digital business transformation

At the moment, the state of the world economy is characterized as transitional, that is, it is between two technological structures. A generalization of various analytical assessments makes it possible to determine the period of complete transition of society to the sixth technological order; it is assumed that this will happen in 2025–2030. This transitional state is primarily due to the emergence and development of such a phenomenon as “digital innovation”, which is the result of the increasing importance of information and communication technologies in the life of society in general and in economic processes in particular. Digitalization has affected almost all sectors of the economy, however, the degree of penetration varies. One of the most “digitized” industries is financial, including banking. At the same time, competition in the financial services market is currently intensifying, since in addition to credit institutions, non-bank players are active in it, providing financial services that duplicate banking ones. Therefore, in order to maintain their competitiveness, banks must increase the degree of digitalization of their business processes, therefore, a current direction of scientific research is to identify the role of the digital economy in the development of Russian banks. The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that the introduction of a domestic banking information system will help improve not only the efficiency of banking institutions, but also the level of information security of banking business processes. The purpose of the study is to develop a roadmap for the implementation of a banking information system in the activities of a Russian bank in order to increase the efficiency of its activities, depending on the degree of coverage of opportunities provided by the digital economy and the level of information security of banking business processes. The research methods are: statistical analysis, the Churchman – Ackoff method, the method of expert assessments, the method of constructing a road map. The result of the study is a roadmap for introducing a banking information system into the activities of a Russian bank. The authors conclude that the role of the digital economy in the development of Russian banks is significant and it is necessary to constantly increase the level of digitalization of banking business processes in order to increase the scope of opportunities provided by the digital economy and the level of information security of banking business processes.

In the modern world, due to the increasingly developing process of digitalization, economic relations are also moving into a new format, namely, the interaction of agents in the market takes the form of multilateral trade, where an electronic commercial platform acts as an intermediary. Along with the emergence of new opportunities for this type of trade and the expansion of the borders of interaction between the parties, new mechanisms and patterns of behavior of players in the transaction process arise, which differ from economic relations in offline markets. Since the seller and the buyer carry out all transactions through a virtual platform, their interaction is separated in both space and time. In turn, a seller who has complete information about the product and wants to maximize his own benefits may have incentives to hide some of the negative information about the product, which causes an uneven distribution of information in the market, and this leads to one of the most important problems in the modern economy – information asymmetry. The purpose of the article is to show the importance of the information asymmetry factor affecting price differentiation in trading on an electronic commercial platform, as well as to present a mechanism to reduce the negative effects of information asymmetry. To achieve this goal, the article uses game-theoretic modeling. Using this approach, the paper identifies a condition under which negative effects of information asymmetry occur. A situation where a seller of low-quality goods wants to overestimate the true quality of his product by hiding negative information about the product occurs if the cost of hiding negative information is lower than the difference between the prices of high-quality and low-quality goods. Nevertheless, the article shows that supplementing the model with the introduction of a mechanism for refusal and return of goods, the pressure of information asymmetry on the market will decrease, and the seller of low-quality goods will stop hiding the true quality of their products.

Scientific life

Author: Eduar Z. Omarov

The article reveals the psychological characteristics of entrepreneurship depending on the size of the business, and emphasizes the importance of studying the psychological aspects of entrepreneurial activity. The author emphasizes that the formal difference between small, medium and large businesses is often misinterpreted, including when developing programs and measures to support and develop entrepreneurship. The author proves that the formally understood difference between small, medium and large businesses is very different from the understanding of the difference between small, medium and large businesses from the point of view of the psychology of entrepreneurship and the motivation of entrepreneurs to develop a business. The article substantiates the importance of a comprehensive understanding of the differences between small and medium businesses. The paper substantiates that information about the size of the business plays an important role in understanding the psychology of the entrepreneur and the motives for business growth. The paper reveals new evidence of the importance of the entrepreneur for Russia. The author reveals the factors influencing the reserves for the development of entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation. The article reveals a conceptual understanding of the “measurement” of entrepreneurship, and also considers different approaches to the “measurement” of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship practice

Until now, stochastic models of interaction between two/three players have prevailed in land use issues. In most cases, only the result of calculating the profitability of a specific project related to land use issues was taken into account. However, often such research was in logical and economic isolation from other types of financial and economic activities that directly or indirectly affected land use issues. These circumstances determine the scientific relevance and practical significance of the research. The relevance increases even more in the context of intensive use of the mechanism for integrated development of territories. The purpose of this article is an analytical review of Russian and foreign practices in resolving conflict situations that arise in the decision-making process regarding the state’s implementation of economic policy for the development of the land use system. The article proposes to introduce and theorize the concepts: “universal player”, “composite-resulting player”, “implicit player with a market nature of interaction” and “implicit player with a non-market nature of interaction”, “pace of strategic interaction”, it is shown that these concepts are in scientific literature in the future may act as a key simplification of all models of competitive land use strategies. A broad overview of potential player interaction combinations is presented. The use of the game-theoretic analysis method is justified.

The article is devoted to the importance of an entrepreneur’s personal selling skills in the process of managing his own business. The article substantiates the end-to-end nature of the competence of personal sales, i. e. the presence of these tasks at all stages of the life cycle of an entrepreneur’s own business, and shows the need for the personal participation of the business owner in a wide range of tasks of creating, maintaining, developing, and exiting his own business. The author draws attention to the special role of personal selling in the range of general commercial functions of one’s own business, such as marketing and sales, as well as to certain specific strategic tasks of business life, in which the personal participation of the owner as the leader of the personal selling process is critical. The author provides a definition and draws attention to the inevitability of transactions with key clients, such transactions on which the success or failure of one’s own business significantly depends. The novelty of the article lies in the substantiation of the direct correlation of two topics that have not previously been studied together and have not been considered in the existing literature. The article focuses on analyzing the functions of professional entrepreneurship, together with the skills of personal selling as a professional activity. Special attention is paid to the application of the five-stage personal selling model method, the use of which can also be considered one of the cross-cutting competencies of an entrepreneur. The article proposes for discussion the topic of introducing the theory and practice of personal selling into the program and practice of teaching professional entrepreneurship.