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Pamukhin Yuri G.

Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Theory and Practice of Competition Department, Synergy University
Moscow, Russia

Features of Teaching Entrepreneurship in Non-core Areas in the Bachelor’s Degree

The article deals with the formation of entrepreneurial competencies by students in various educational programs, where entrepreneurial disciplines are not core. Under non-core areas in the framework of this article, we will agree to understand educational programs for undergraduate programs that are aimed at forming specialists in professions other than entrepreneurs, for example, the profiles of “Project Management”, “Finance and Credit”, “Sports Management”, “Event Management”, “Management in the hotel and Restaurant Business”, “Marketing”, “Civil law”, “Economic security” and others. This is a preparation for a specialty other than entrepreneurship, so the entrepreneurship competencies for these programs is a general professional one. Entrepreneurial education seems to be relevant for students in various areas and profiles of undergraduate studies. Entrepreneurship competencies is a general professional competencies for non-core areas, while it is possible to integrate it into the main educational program as a professional one. Students can open their own business in small and medium-sized businesses, initiate intra-company entrepreneurship. For systematic training, it is advisable to introduce a practice module for running your own startup with a connection to the infrastructure for entrepreneurship. This article is devoted to the solution of this problem – building a system for teaching entrepreneurship in non-core areas of bachelor’s degree, focused on the following goals: а) identify and describe competencies in the field of entrepreneurship for students of managerial, economic, in the future and other profiles of higher education; b) present a system of teaching entrepreneurship through a module of adapted academic disciplines from a proven set of courses in entrepreneurial education; c) identify the main topics of the courses included in the module, and the types of necessary training sessions that will allow you to achieve the required level of development of the proposed competencies. In this article, a team of authors who teach courses on entrepreneurship as core disciplines at Synergy University presents a vision and a general outline for building this direction and basic courses for non-core students, which will also be detailed in subsequent publications. Read more...

Business Game as a Method of Developing Entrepreneurial Skills of Competition

The article suggests the use of a training tool of a business game in the educational process aimed at the formation of a complete system of professional entrepreneurial competencies. The article aims to expand the possibilities of learning in limited classroom conditions by creating an educational situation as close as possible to the realities of modern business relations practice. To achieve this goal the author set the task of using the tools of a business game in relation to the development of competition skills and competitive relations. As the main scenario of the business game, the author creates a model of the competition situation with the participation of the buyer and several bidders competing for victory in the simulation of competitive procurement. The proposed business game is based on typical real competitive situations in the space of a set of B2B operations, which confirms the relevance of the chosen training method. The article contains a description of the basic scenario and detailed rules of the game. Each of the groups participating in the game is offered its own set of documents of initial information, on the basis of which the participants should build their tactics of negotiations and generating proposals of the competition commission. The article substantiates that in order to win the competition, participants need to take into account both professional and personal relationships of the persons involved in decision-making. The author draws attention to the importance of studying the educational situation as a complete system of relations between real companies with each other. The article shows that the important practical significance of the business game consists in the final session of the analysis of the actions of the participants of the game – the “debriefing” stage. Based on the analysis of the business games sessions conducted, the author identifies the most significant results of students’ participation in the game, their positive impressions and personal unexpected discoveries. The use of the proposed method will be useful for educational organizations as an effective exercise in the framework of courses studying the practice of competition between professional and higher education systems. Read more...

The Role and Place of Personal Selling Competence in the Standard of Professional Entrepreneurship

The article is devoted to the importance of an entrepreneur’s personal selling skills in the process of managing his own business. The article substantiates the end-to-end nature of the competence of personal sales, i. e. the presence of these tasks at all stages of the life cycle of an entrepreneur’s own business, and shows the need for the personal participation of the business owner in a wide range of tasks of creating, maintaining, developing, and exiting his own business. The author draws attention to the special role of personal selling in the range of general commercial functions of one’s own business, such as marketing and sales, as well as to certain specific strategic tasks of business life, in which the personal participation of the owner as the leader of the personal selling process is critical. The author provides a definition and draws attention to the inevitability of transactions with key clients, such transactions on which the success or failure of one’s own business significantly depends. The novelty of the article lies in the substantiation of the direct correlation of two topics that have not previously been studied together and have not been considered in the existing literature. The article focuses on analyzing the functions of professional entrepreneurship, together with the skills of personal selling as a professional activity. Special attention is paid to the application of the five-stage personal selling model method, the use of which can also be considered one of the cross-cutting competencies of an entrepreneur. The article proposes for discussion the topic of introducing the theory and practice of personal selling into the program and practice of teaching professional entrepreneurship. Read more...