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Anisimov Alexander Yu.

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Deputy Director of Educational and Methodological Work of the Information Technologies Faculty, Associate Professor at Information Management and Information and Communication Technologies Department named after Professor V. V. Dick, Synergy University
Moscow, Russia

The Evolution of Marketplaces in the Russian Market from Innovation to Mass Popularity

The article is devoted to the consideration of the topic of marketplaces in the context of the dynamic development of online commerce and increased interest from consumers and businesses in this business model, because currently marketplaces are becoming increasingly popular for both sellers and buyers, due to their convenience, wide range and availability of goods and services. The article substantiates the relevance of this research related to the growing popularity of marketplaces and their importance for e-commerce. The authors draw attention to the advantages and limitations of the marketplace business model, providing an analytical justification of their significance and potential for businesses, and the authors also make judgments on how businesses can effectively use marketplaces in their sales strategies, as well as on the role of marketplaces in the modern economy and society. Judgments based on data analysis and the experience of other companies are given, which will help businesses better understand the features of marketplaces and develop effective sales strategies. The purpose of the study is to investigate the advantages and limitations of the marketplace business model, as well as to provide practical recommendations for businesses seeking to successfully join marketplaces. It is noted that the study has a novelty and presents new research findings that contribute to the academic community and the practical field of business. Based on the analysis of the research data, judgments are made about the importance of marketplaces for various spheres of business, economy and society as a whole. Thus, the article provides valuable information about marketplaces, their advantages and limitations, as well as offers recommendations for businesses, the academic community and regulatory authorities, contributing to the development of this business model and improving the efficiency of online trading. Read more...

The Role of Digitalization of the Economy in the Development of the Russian Banking Sector in a Competitive Environment

At the moment, the state of the world economy is characterized as transitional, that is, it is between two technological structures. A generalization of various analytical assessments makes it possible to determine the period of complete transition of society to the sixth technological order; it is assumed that this will happen in 2025–2030. This transitional state is primarily due to the emergence and development of such a phenomenon as “digital innovation”, which is the result of the increasing importance of information and communication technologies in the life of society in general and in economic processes in particular. Digitalization has affected almost all sectors of the economy, however, the degree of penetration varies. One of the most “digitized” industries is financial, including banking. At the same time, competition in the financial services market is currently intensifying, since in addition to credit institutions, non-bank players are active in it, providing financial services that duplicate banking ones. Therefore, in order to maintain their competitiveness, banks must increase the degree of digitalization of their business processes, therefore, a current direction of scientific research is to identify the role of the digital economy in the development of Russian banks. The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that the introduction of a domestic banking information system will help improve not only the efficiency of banking institutions, but also the level of information security of banking business processes. The purpose of the study is to develop a roadmap for the implementation of a banking information system in the activities of a Russian bank in order to increase the efficiency of its activities, depending on the degree of coverage of opportunities provided by the digital economy and the level of information security of banking business processes. The research methods are: statistical analysis, the Churchman – Ackoff method, the method of expert assessments, the method of constructing a road map. The result of the study is a roadmap for introducing a banking information system into the activities of a Russian bank. The authors conclude that the role of the digital economy in the development of Russian banks is significant and it is necessary to constantly increase the level of digitalization of banking business processes in order to increase the scope of opportunities provided by the digital economy and the level of information security of banking business processes. Read more...