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№2(98) April 2024 year


Competition policy

The presented article reflects a study of the state of the housing construction market in recent years. The article offers a brief analysis of the state of bibliographic study of the issue of the state of the competitive environment in the housing construction and residential real estate market, reflects the systematization and description of five main trends, provides a more detailed analysis of the state of the competitive environment and the structure of the housing commodity market, calculates indicators reflecting the fact of structural dominance in the regions of the Russian Federation. A ranking of the 20 largest developers in terms of “housing under construction” and the regions of their presence in 2023 and a comparative analysis of structural changes in market concentration by federal districts for the period 2021–2023 were built. The level of concentration of housing construction markets according to the indicator “housing under construction” in the context of administrative-territorial districts of the Russian Federation is determined. It is noted that in most regions of Russia there is a high level of competition in the residential real estate construction market, which has a significant impact on the state of the market as a whole and the processes taking place on it. The presence of active competition in 85% of regional housing construction markets indicates that there are no signs of abuse of a dominant position in the vast majority of regions, signs of structural collective dominance are also limited, which allows us to hypothesize that price increases are formed not because of the monopolistic behavior of real estate developers, but due to the influence of other factors, which are subject to more detailed study.

The issues of theory

An important issue within the framework of economic theory has always been the problem of the relationship between free trade and protectionist measures to protect domestic production. At a certain stage, the ideology of free trade (developed by Adam Smith, David Ricardo) became the mainstream of economic thought. Later, within the framework of the German Historical school, an important contribution was made by the economist Friedrich List, who proposed the concept of educational protectionism as an alternative to the free trade ideology of classical political economy. In this article it is proposed to analyze the main ideas and arguments of the concept of educational protectionism and compare them with the argumentation of other economic schools. Were described the characteristics of the German Historical school. It was shown, that despite some similar ideas, the concept of educational protectionism is very different from mercantilist ideas, this concept does not deny free trade direction from a historical perspective, but in some way offers a way of transition to free trade policy. The institutional and economic restrictions, that F. List considers for the success of protectionist policy, were analyzed. The reaction to the concept of educational protectionism was shown, both from the point of view of the role of this concept in economic policy in Russia, and from the point of view of a negative attitude towards this concept from socialist thought, including Rudolf Hilferding. It can be concluded that the concept of educational protectionism also turned out to be largely utopian, but it played an important role in expanding the boundaries of the discussion about free trade and the factors determining this trade policy.

Industry market

The article reveals aspects of the situation on the global LNG market in the context of sanctions pressure on Russian LNG enterprises, and suggests ways for Russian LNG enterprises to adapt to these conditions. The conditions of sanctions pressure on Russian LNG enterprises are described and the impact of sanctions on the LNG industry is revealed. The conducted research is based on statistical data from Russian and foreign sources. Aspects of the global LNG market environment include: an increase in the scale of LNG production in the world, the use of innovative gas liquefaction technologies, the development of a system for organizing and managing the transportation of liquefied gas, an increase in the number of states purchasing LNG for their needs, changes in the volume of LNG production and consumption in the world. The analysis presented in the article of the prospects and directions of development of this market in the future, as well as the main economic and technical factors influencing its functioning, and its conditions over the past five years have shown that this market is actively developing. The authors come to the conclusion: Russian LNG exporting enterprises have managed to adapt to the current competitive market conditions of global LNG trade, diversify their capacities and transport logistics, and have also significantly expanded the possibilities of transporting LNG along the Northern Sea Route.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the decline in the retail market, the development of digitalization of the economy and the steadily growing e-commerce market in Russia, which confirms the need to introduce digital products in retail. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of digital products in the development of Russian retail trade. Achieving the goal is determined by solving the following tasks: develop a classification system for digital products, prepare an analysis of the categories of digital products in retail, present the author’s definition of a digital product. The study analyzes industry development trends in the medium term. An important aspect of the study is the analysis of digital products necessary for integration into retail, based on the developed classification taking into account industry trends. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the development of: the author’s definition of a digital product, in the classification system of digital products, which contributes to the understanding of the role of digital products in modern retail trade and represents the theoretical value of the study. Consequently, determine the need for conducting further research aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of product management in real market conditions.

Competitiveness of business

Author: A. Pogorelova

The article substantiates the relevance of forming an idea of corporate social responsibility of Russian universities as a condition for effective interaction of stakeholders in the higher education space. The research conducted within the framework of the article is aimed at determining the relationship between responsibility, social responsibility and corporate social responsibility of a university in a competitive environment. It is substantiated that in the field of higher education there is such a phenomenon as corporate social responsibility. The nature of corporate social responsibility of universities in the higher education space is determined by the position of the parties to mutual responsibility and the conditions that determine its nature. The article is the first to analyze the elements of corporate social responsibility of universities to stakeholders, such as students, teachers, employers, and the state. It has been revealed that the responsible fulfillment by the university of its direct responsibilities to stakeholders who meet mutual obligations to the university leads to mutually beneficial cooperation. The article proves that corporate social responsibility acts as one of the factors of university competitiveness.

The article examines the situation with the staffing of socially oriented non-profit organizations that has developed in Russia in recent years. The relevance of the affected issues is due to the high importance of the activities of subjects of the non-profit sector of the economy to ensure the economic and social development of Russia. The methodology of the research conducted in the article is based on a statistical analysis of quantitative data reflecting the current situation in the field of staffing of socially oriented non-profit organizations. Based on the results of the analysis, a conclusion is drawn about the downward dynamics of the number of socially oriented non-profit organizations employees (and, accordingly, the insufficiency of their current number to ensure the development of the tertiary sector of the economy). Separately, there is a decrease in the level of public involvement in the functioning of the subjects of the non-profit sector of the economy, which is recorded on the basis of data on the nature of changes in the number of employees. The practical significance of the conducted research lies in the substantiation by the authors of the need to develop the personnel policy of socially oriented non-profit organizations based on the results of a detailed analysis of the relevant indicative indicators, as well as in the development of appropriate recommendatory measures. Thus, the organization of personnel work with volunteers, who, according to the authors, are more likely to be able to join staff of socially oriented non-profit organizations than representatives of other categories of potential employees, is positioned as the main direction of transformation of this area. In addition, the positive effect of the organization of internships by socially oriented non-profit organizations for students and graduates of secondary and higher professional education institutions is emphasized, which will allow potential employees to familiarize themselves with the goals of socially oriented non-profit organizations and their key values.


The presented review of the new edition of the textbook “Competition in Entrepreneurship” indicates that the author highlights the process of participation in competition as the main subject of study. The textbook under review is based on a constructive theory of competition, determined by the constant competitive specifics of the business environment, which consists in the rivalry of actors in the context of controlled integrity. Particular attention is paid to such concepts as competitive strategies of rival parties, methods of operating activities in a competitive environment, types of competitive operations, types and technical parameters of competitive actions, actions according to the situation, maneuvers and tricks used by actors, which become separate subjects of study. The concept of management of participation in competition as an independent element of company management is particularly highlighted. The presented review rightfully establishes a connection between the economic nature of competition and its interpretation as an objective economic phenomenon, together with the managerial nature of its manifestation.

Entrepreneurship practice

The article on the basis of the review of scientific literature reveals the theoretical aspect of the problem of growing competition in all branches of economy under the influence of a number of factors of the digital world, and also analyzes the concept of “electronic commerce (e-commerce)” as a technological innovation that in the modern world radically changes consumer behavior. The main methods used in the study – analysis, generalization, comparison and description of the obtained results, data visualization is presented in the form of graphical elements – charts and tables. The authors conducted SWOT analysis of JSC Commercial Bank “Ural FD”, which was based on the results of the previous stage of the study, namely, comparing the activities of the Bank “Ural FD” with its direct competitors on a number of criteria related to the field of electronic commerce. Thus, in this SWOT analysis the criteria by which the bank occupies leading positions in comparison with competitors are used as strengths of the company, and determinants with the largest lag from competitors – as key weaknesses respectively. Areas of threats and opportunities have been identified through the examination of the external environment from the social, political, economic, demographic and other perspectives. As a result, the authors were able to identify “bottlenecks” of the company. In doing so, it was found that the bank has a significant capacity to address them and potential threats, using its strengths and capabilities. The results of the study are of practical importance, as they will be used at the next stages of the scientific project when developing the Bank’s development strategy and specific methodological tools within the framework of the proposed directions.

Author: O. Osipenko

The article is a multidimensional study of the institution of figurehead in the contexts of Russian corporate governance, legal regulation and judicial enforcement. Applying analytical methods of scientific research to analyze the institution of figurehead, the author seeks to consider various aspects of this institution, including its essence, forms, motives for use, punishability and associated risks. The work reveals the approach of Russian judicial practice to the definition of a “nominal leader” as a formal, not actual leader. The author hypothesizes that shadow corporate governance is one of the subsystems of the domestic shadow economy, and that “nominal management of the company’s operating practices” is a class of diverse structures, the generation of one part of which pursues frankly destructive goals in social terms, the other is situationally reasonable. Analyzing scientific publications, legislative acts, and judicial practice, the authors reveal individual forms of nominal management of a company: nominal shareholder, nominal company, nominal corporate act, nominal member of the board of directors, “multi-machine operator”, “technical premier”, member of the family business team, the executor of the instructions of the team of actual leaders, the textbook nominal director and situational-transit versions of the nominal leadership. The article highlights the risks of using forms of figurehead: a fundamental change in law enforcement practice, loss of time for management approvals, loss of confidential information, reputational and entrepreneurial, loss of business, withdrawal of assets and raider takeover. Administrative-legal, expert and corporate approaches are described in the discussion about the limits of punishment for “nominalities”, emphasizing the paradoxical nature of the institutional interpretation of the phenomenon of nominalities. In general, the article offers a broad scientific and applied discussion on interdisciplinary methodological grounds.