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The author: Korobov Y.     Published in № 2(98) 30 april 2024 year
Rubric: Bibliography

A Competition Narrative for Modern Business Professionals

The presented review of the new edition of the textbook “Competition in Entrepreneurship” indicates that the author highlights the process of participation in competition as the main subject of study. The textbook under review is based on a constructive theory of competition, determined by the constant competitive specifics of the business environment, which consists in the rivalry of actors in the context of controlled integrity. Particular attention is paid to such concepts as competitive strategies of rival parties, methods of operating activities in a competitive environment, types of competitive operations, types and technical parameters of competitive actions, actions according to the situation, maneuvers and tricks used by actors, which become separate subjects of study. The concept of management of participation in competition as an independent element of company management is particularly highlighted. The presented review rightfully establishes a connection between the economic nature of competition and its interpretation as an objective economic phenomenon, together with the managerial nature of its manifestation.

Key words

competitive positioning, management of participation in competition, competitive environment, rivalry, cooperation, competitive actions, competitive advantages

The author:

Korobov Y.


Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Banking and Monetary Regulation Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


Moscow, Russia