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Authors: Shamyanov R., Kovalenko A.     Published in № 2(98) 30 april 2024 year
Rubric: Industry market

Conditions of the World LNG Market under the Sanctions

The article reveals aspects of the situation on the global LNG market in the context of sanctions pressure on Russian LNG enterprises, and suggests ways for Russian LNG enterprises to adapt to these conditions. The conditions of sanctions pressure on Russian LNG enterprises are described and the impact of sanctions on the LNG industry is revealed. The conducted research is based on statistical data from Russian and foreign sources. Aspects of the global LNG market environment include: an increase in the scale of LNG production in the world, the use of innovative gas liquefaction technologies, the development of a system for organizing and managing the transportation of liquefied gas, an increase in the number of states purchasing LNG for their needs, changes in the volume of LNG production and consumption in the world. The analysis presented in the article of the prospects and directions of development of this market in the future, as well as the main economic and technical factors influencing its functioning, and its conditions over the past five years have shown that this market is actively developing. The authors come to the conclusion: Russian LNG exporting enterprises have managed to adapt to the current competitive market conditions of global LNG trade, diversify their capacities and transport logistics, and have also significantly expanded the possibilities of transporting LNG along the Northern Sea Route.

Key words

environmental economics, export strategies, Russian enterprises, sanctions pressure, liquefied natural gas

The author:

Shamyanov R.


Postgraduate, Entrepreneurship and Competition Department, Synergy University


Moscow, Russia

The author:

Kovalenko A.


Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship and Competition Department, Synergy University

