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Pogorelova A. Yu.

Lecturer, Theory and Practice of Competition Department, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»
Moscow, Russia

Specific features of startup competencies as planned outcomes of entrepreneurship learning in bachelor's degree

Competencies are essential prerequisites for entrepreneurial activity and, therefore, for a person. In this article, a number of competencies have been identified based on a specific vision of entrepreneurship. The issue of structuring competencies in the field of entrepreneurship should be studied and discussed more widely, and the classification of startup competencies should be further developed. Startup competencies are interpreted as a set of special knowledge and skills necessary for entrepreneurs to successfully enter their own business and are an integral part of the results of entrepreneurship education in the undergraduate program.In this article, were used methods to find a solution to the problem, such as general logical methods. Also, the article used a case study method, which made it possible to identify the cause-and- effect relationships of processes in the context of learning how to create startups and learning all the functions of entrepreneurial activity. The competence-based approach was used as a methodological tool for the study of start-up competencies in entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship programs should not be limited to just focusing on starting a startup, since the professional functionality of entrepreneurs is much broader and includes the functions of maintaining, developing and ending their own business.It is important for every entrepreneur to learn how to conduct and develop a business in order to ensure its competitiveness and competitive stability.An in-depth study of startup competencies will allow developing the theory of entrepreneurship, enriching the education system. Read more...

Training family business in undergraduate

In modern conditions, the development of entrepreneurship is complicated by the lack of uniform educational standards for teaching the conduct of this area of professional activity. In this regard, the article poses the issues of using a competence-based approach to training potential successors of family companies, which is significant for ensuring the success and long-term sustainability of family entrepreneurship. The authors of the article point out the need for the formation of additional professional competencies of students who have the prospect of entering the family business. Displaying the practical use of the proposed approach in the teaching of the discipline “family business” in the undergraduate University “Synergy”. Read more...

Competition competencies study in the master's program

This article is devoted to competitive competencies in entrepreneurship as the results of training in the programs of entrepreneurial education in the master’s program. This unique area of expertise is critical to success in entrepreneurship, but is still not enough researched and classified. Modern methods of teaching entrepreneurship are based on a competence-based approach to the study of professional entrepreneurial competencies, the purpose of which is to consistently master a certain set of necessary entrepreneurial competencies. The article examines the existing approaches to competition when considering the classification of competitive competencies related to entrepreneurship, and also determines the place of competitive competencies in the composition of entrepreneurial competencies. The author’s classification of professionally significant entrepreneurial competencies for various levels of higher education (bachelor’s and master’s degrees) is given, which should be structured into professional, general professional, universal competencies, as well as other competencies (industry, regional, etc.). The features of teaching entrepreneurial competencies at the master’s level are determined. The unique experience of studying and development of entrepreneurial competencies on the graduate level and appropriate methods to effectively develop competitive competence in two stages is described: first, to develop core competencies , namely: competence in various types, methods and styles of competitive actions; competence in competitive positioning; competence in the management of competitive actions; competence in compliance with antitrust laws; competencies in the selection and management of competitive status, and then specific competencies in the development and implementation of competitive strategy and tactics of competition. Read more...

Bachelor degree university program: common context of learning entrepreneurship courses

The article is devoted to the internal context dependence of the training courses studied under the entrepreneurship program in the bachelor’s degree. Unlike other approaches, the authors extend the context dependence to any training courses included in the training program. Approaches to the study of the management cycle of training courses by future entrepreneurs are analyzed. Using the example of structuring the content of the training course “Human Resource Management”, it is shown how the training program should be oriented to form the general professional competencies necessary for graduates to have a successful career in entrepreneurship. The article has practical significance, since the developed approach to teaching disciplines was successfully used in real business in competitive conditions, as well as theoretical significance, due to the contribution of the conclusions obtained in the article to the development of scientific ideas about the place of entrepreneurship in the educational process and the connection with the taught disciplines of the management cycle with the training of future entrepreneurs. The use of this article can also help educational organizations, including universities and colleges, to develop educational programs in which the content of management disciplines would be focused on teaching entrepreneurship as a profession. What has already been implemented in the practice of the Synergy University. Read more...

How to teach social entrepreneurship within bachelor degree university program

. Working in unfavorable economic conditions, in a competitive environment, requires constant improvement and development from a social entrepreneur. It is vital for entrepreneurs to acquire new knowledge and master professional skills. It should be recognized that the issues of teaching social entrepreneurship are a relatively new area of scientific and practical research. At the same time, the world practice has already accumulated a wealth of experience in implementing educational programs in the field of teaching social entrepreneurship. This article is devoted to the systematization of ideas about the key approaches to teaching social entrepreneurship in the bachelor's degree, to the development of the main content blocks of special training courses. The authors prove that the experience of developing such programs in Russia corresponds to global trends. The article deals with the main approaches to the formation of an educational entrepreneurial program in the bachelor's degree with the specifics in the field of training in social entrepreneurship. Its components are formalized, including the thematic plan, competencies, methods, forms of training and control. To familiarize readers with the experience of teaching bachelors in social entrepreneurship, the article describes in detail the professional educational program "Fundamentals of Social Entrepreneurship", implemented at the Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy". The conducted research on the problem of teaching social entrepreneurship can become the basis for further study of the specifics of obtaining knowledge about the management of social enterprises in Russia and other countries. Read more...

Particular Nature of Teaching Entrepreneurship in Secondary Vocational Education Programs

The article is devoted to the consideration of the issue of studying under the Entrepreneurship program in Russian colleges, the issues of the specifics of teaching this profession, the need to master unique professional competencies are raised. The article analyzes the current state of secondary vocational education and the ways of its development in the field of entrepreneurship, describes the problems of entrepreneurship education in colleges in Russia, identifies ways to overcome crisis situations in the development of secondary vocational education on the example of the Synergy University for entrepreneurship training programs. The article takes into account the experience of the federal innovation platform operating on the basis of the Synergy University, which implements a project called “Model of the innovative system of continuous entrepreneurial education in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation”. Entrepreneurship education in college is associated with a number of features: entrepreneurship is a professional activity with its inherent labor functions; to engage in entrepreneurship, it is necessary to register on a voluntary basis; professional interests often include personal, family, consumer and other interests; entrepreneurial activity is associated with risk and uncertainty; in the process of learning entrepreneurship, it is often necessary to be guided by rational motives and logic; students of entrepreneurship must have professional aptitude to do their business. These features should be taken into account in the forms of entrepreneurship education in college, therefore, classical forms of education are not very mundane when teaching entrepreneurship. The article analyzes the existing forms of education and suggests ways to improve entrepreneurship education, namely, the inclusion of more practical disciplines in the curricula, attracting practical teachers in the field of entrepreneurship for training; also increasing the motivation of the teaching staff, including by increasing wages and introducing intangible incentives; conducting practical classes and practices on entrepreneurship in business incubators and business centers. All this should improve the quality of entrepreneurship education in college. Read more...

Features of Entrepreneurship Training in Non-core Areas of Secondary Vocational Education Programs

The article discusses the issues of entrepreneurship training among students in various educational programs of secondary vocational education, such as Commerce (by industry), Hospitality, Design (by industry), Economics and Accounting, Preschool education, Internet marketing, Information systems and programming. The study of entrepreneurial disciplines, which are not specialized, is based on the formation of general professional competencies and can be based on the practical interests to students of various professions. In modern conditionscollege graduates can open their own business as individual entrepreneurs and self-employed citizens, creating their own business without forming a legal entity, as well as initiate intra-company entrepreneurshipThe article substantiates the additional opportunities that college graduates can get in the case of studying entrepreneurial disciplines along with obtaining the competencies necessary for the chosen profession. The authors propose to consider the process of teaching entrepreneurship in non-core areas of secondary vocational education programs by building a system of competencies based on the systemic addition of a set of professional competencies with competencies in the field of entrepreneurship. The authors present an example of the content of the academic discipline “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, designed to form the entrepreneurial competencies of students in various fields at the college at the Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”. Also the authors propose the main topics, forms of education and types of training sessions necessary to achieve the required level of professional competence, taking into account the development of entrepreneurial competencies. Read more...

Entrepreneurship Education by the Aid of Foresight Session Technology

The article substantiates the development of a program for conducting a foresight session as part of entrepreneurship education. Based on the identification of entrepreneurship learning technologies, a description of the foresight session technology is given. The article describes the methodology for using the foresight session technology in the field of entrepreneurial education. Particular attention is paid to the rationale for using the foresight session technology within the presented ecosystem of entrepreneurial education. Based on the study of the possibilities of using foresight technology within the ecosystem of entrepreneurial education, a description is given of the case of advanced training of teachers specializing in teaching entrepreneurship, which serves as the basis for introducing such technologies into the practice of educational organizations. The article focuses on increasing the level of professional competence of students as a result of the use of foresight session technology in the educational process. Read more...

Formation of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Field of Social Entrepreneurship

The article discusses methodological approaches to the formation of entrepreneurial competencies in the field of social entrepreneurship. It is proved that the choice of educational content and the focus of studying the features of management in social entrepreneurship depends on the level of training and learning goals of certain categories of students. The approaches to the design of practical classes and materials for the current monitoring of students’ academic performance at various levels of professional educational programs are presented. Examples of tasks and workshops are considered, differing in content, volume, complexity, methods and techniques that are used in the process of teaching social entrepreneurship at IFPU Synergy. The authors confirm the expediency of a differentiated approach to the organization of the process of teaching social entrepreneurship to students in college (SPE), bachelor’s degree (specialty) in the field of Entrepreneurship and in the system of additional training in the business accelerator. Read more...

Corporate Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions in a Competitive Environment

The article substantiates the relevance of forming an idea of corporate social responsibility of Russian universities as a condition for effective interaction of stakeholders in the higher education space. The research conducted within the framework of the article is aimed at determining the relationship between responsibility, social responsibility and corporate social responsibility of a university in a competitive environment. It is substantiated that in the field of higher education there is such a phenomenon as corporate social responsibility. The nature of corporate social responsibility of universities in the higher education space is determined by the position of the parties to mutual responsibility and the conditions that determine its nature. The article is the first to analyze the elements of corporate social responsibility of universities to stakeholders, such as students, teachers, employers, and the state. It has been revealed that the responsible fulfillment by the university of its direct responsibilities to stakeholders who meet mutual obligations to the university leads to mutually beneficial cooperation. The article proves that corporate social responsibility acts as one of the factors of university competitiveness. Read more...