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Authors: Potapova O., Alekseeva E., Mozhzhukhin D., Pogorelova A. Y., Semkina T.     Published in № 6(96) 31 december 2023 year
Rubric: Knowledge management

Formation of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Field of Social Entrepreneurship

The article discusses methodological approaches to the formation of entrepreneurial competencies in the field of social entrepreneurship. It is proved that the choice of educational content and the focus of studying the features of management in social entrepreneurship depends on the level of training and learning goals of certain categories of students. The approaches to the design of practical classes and materials for the current monitoring of students’ academic performance at various levels of professional educational programs are presented. Examples of tasks and workshops are considered, differing in content, volume, complexity, methods and techniques that are used in the process of teaching social entrepreneurship at IFPU Synergy. The authors confirm the expediency of a differentiated approach to the organization of the process of teaching social entrepreneurship to students in college (SPE), bachelor’s degree (specialty) in the field of Entrepreneurship and in the system of additional training in the business accelerator.

Key words

social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurship training, business accelerator

The author:

Potapova O.


PhD in Economics, associate Professor of the Department of theory and practice of competition, University «Synergy»



The author:

Alekseeva E.


Director of «Entrepreneurship studio», University «Synergy»



The author:

Mozhzhukhin D.


Senior Lecturer, Theory and Practice of Competition Department, Executive Director, Russian Association for Entrepreneurship Education



The author:

Pogorelova A. Y.


Lecturer, Theory and Practice of Competition Department, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»


Moscow, Russia

The author:

Semkina T.


Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Head of Quality Management Department, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs


Moscow, Russia