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№ 2(20) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
The author: Yusupova G. F.

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The submitted materials — a set of tasks (practical work) — are aimed at solidifying students' knowl¬edge on the «Firm and Market Theory: Discussions and Historical Development topic which intro¬duces the «Theory of Branch Markets» course. The course is held in the Higher School of Economics for a Bachelor Degree in Economics and is an integral part of the professional cycle in the educational program for an economist. The tasks are based on students' general knowledge of Microeconomics, Introductory Sketch of the Game Theory, History of Economic Thought.

№ 3(21) 01 may 2010 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Kruglyjstol

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This publication is a detailed report following the panel discussion «Questions of theory of completion» where such topics as defense, evaluation and development of competition, understanding of competitiveness and other questions dedicated to the subject of theory of competition were discussed.

№ 3(21) 01 may 2010 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Rubin Y.

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The paper correspond detailed statement about author views expounded at the roundtable discus¬sion «Questions of a Competition Theory» which was organized by the Modern Competition Journal and took place on 19th of May 2010 in Moscow University of Industry and Finance. In a context of the evolution of views on a competition the paper examines an opportunity of the competition theory formation as a separate field of knowledge. Expediency of the competition actions (as systemically important sign of the modern competition) research; necessity of involving in consideration not only consumers, but also fair competitors as competition beneficiary are substantiated. Competitiveness place in the competition edifice is investigated. An actor's professional interests and competencies in competition behavior area are examined.

№ 3(21) 01 may 2010 year
Rubric: FAS: antitrust
Authors: Knyazeva I., Lukashenko O. A.

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In terms of strategic alliances' formation, which are capable to initiate positive effects for society and consumers, system changes in attitude of market agents, new strategic goals and initiations, new institutional principals of modern theory and practices of antimonopoly regulation were formed. They are adapted to transforming economic processes and deny some of former methodological constructions and legal terms.

№ 3(21) 01 may 2010 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
The author: Fathutdinov R. A.

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The journal continues to publish Professor Rais Akhmetovich Fatkhutdinov's textbook "Organization's Competitive Capacity Management*. The seventh topic is devoted to evaluation of competitive advantages of various objects. To calcu¬late and analyze competitive capacity the author uses productivity, ergonomic, standardization, and unification indicators that give full information about a friendly effect of the object under study and aggregate expenses during its life cycle.

№ 3(21) 01 may 2010 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
Authors: Yusupova G. F., Tihonova Y. V.

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The article continues series of studying-methodical materials for « Theory of branch markets* course. This publication presents materials about development of conception of natural monopolies: its origins, sustainability, tariff regulation of natural monopolies. There are some case-studies inside dedicated to the problems of development of competition in industries of natural monopolies.
