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№ 1(19) 01 january 2010 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
The author: Fathutdinov R. A.

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The journal continues to publish Professor Rais Akhmetovich Fatkhutdinov's textbook "Organization's Competitive Capacity Management. The fifth topic shows methodological bases for managing objects' competitive advantages, research¬es peculiarities of innovation portfolio formation, gives a classification of values. The sixth topic is devoted to issues related to introducing methods of forecasting management deci¬sions, economic assessment of activities and planning.

№ 2(20) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Kogan A. M.

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In the article the author carries out a deep analysis of the two fundamental economic categories: the invisible hand» of the market and competition, — thus accentuating the problems of intercon¬nection between micro- and macroeconomies, competitors' and public convergence of economic interests. Arguing for the differentiation between the invisible hand» of the market as a macroregulator of economy and competition as a regulator of economic relations on the microlevel, the author defines the invisible hand» of the market as a competition-independent data structure that gives macrodata saturation to a competitive mechanism.

№ 2(20) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Competitive Strategies and Tactics
The author: YUdanov A. Y.

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The article studies a Gazel-firm phenomenon (companies that have been showing fast and steady growth for a long period of time). The author reveals peculiarities of their development and reasons for deviation from general tendencies that are typical of similar companies in developed economies. The article contains specific examples and the results of entrepreneurs' questionnaire answers that show reasons for exponential growth of Gazel-firms.

№ 2(20) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Industry competition
The author: Logvinova I. L.

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Success of insurance business in developed countries is to a considerable degree determined by a variety of competing subjects in insurance markets. There is competition not only among stock insurers but also among joint-stock and mutual companies as well as among insurance companies in public and private spheres. The article studies mutual insurance organizations and their role in the insurance market.

№ 2(20) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Industry competition (the market of educational services)
The author: Ahtariev I. Z.

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In this article author describes the correlation between quality of educational services and competi¬tiveness of university. Author shows different universities logics of functioning in budget sector of edu¬cation and in the educational market. Author exposes ambiguity of category «competitiveness of university*. Considering the relations of public education accreditation as a market, author describes the positioning strategies of accreditation organizations and notes the need for using a fundamentally new tools to ensure quality of educational services.

№ 2(20) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Industry competition (the market of educational services)
The author: Kovalenko A.

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The article dwells on differences in approaches of Russian antimonopoly bodies and the Expert Educational Association to competition among HEIs. Emphasizing the change in the study paradigm of competitive relations in the sphere of education, the author reveals anticompetitive character of norms and institutions, examines main indicators for institutional discrimination of HEIs.
