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Logvinova I. L.

Logvinova I. L.
Dr of Economics, Professor, Moscow University of Finance and Industry «Synergy»

Competing subjects in insurance market

Success of insurance business in developed countries is to a considerable degree determined by a variety of competing subjects in insurance markets. There is competition not only among stock insurers but also among joint-stock and mutual companies as well as among insurance companies in public and private spheres. The article studies mutual insurance organizations and their role in the insurance market.


Education social entrepreneurship: international experience

Social entrepreneurship was identified as a specific economic activity and a subject which is needed to be studied not long ago — in the 80‑th of the XX century. And now the study programs of social entrepreneurship exist in USA, Europe, Asia in the universities and in other organizations. These are programs of higher education and of other kinds. This article deals with the questions, what are the goals of such programs, what methods of studying are used in the frames of such programs, where the knowledge of social entrepreneurship can be used. All this data seemed to be interesting to the Russian readers as in Russia the entrepreneurship education in common and the social entrepreneurship education in particular are just at the beginning.