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№ 6(18) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Competition policy
Authors: Gricenko E. G., Lyashenko L. O.

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The activity of government bodies, local and administrative governments, control bodies is very often connected with anticompetition actions. The article is devoted to the structure study and the reasons for infraction of the law on the protection of economic competition. Ukrainian economical activity provides the material for this analysis. The manifestation and the practice of termination of governmental illegal actions are analyzed on the basis of various cases from the practice of the Ukrainian Antimonopoly Committee. Proposals on the improvement of governmental activity in the sphere of competition development are worked out.

№ 6(18) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Industry competition
Authors: Golovanova S., Aladyshkina A. S., Cyculina D. V.

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The article is devoted to the analysis of cluster relations that are considered to be a factor of an enterprise competitive capacity in the Russian motor-car construction. Within the framework of the research the analysis of the Russian motor-car construction spatial structure is carried out, the biggest regional centers (potential clusters) are found, distinctive features of cooperation among companies and the competitive environment are studied in two Russian regions. The results of the research allow the authors of the article to come to the conclusion that in the case of the industry under the analysis geographical concentration, predominantly the heritage of the planned economy, cannot be the basis for the identification of regional manufacture centers as clusters. The reason lies in a low level of cooperation among partners. Nevertheless there are prerequisites for the develop¬ment of cluster relations in the industry under the analysis. Moreover there is also some evidence of positive connection between the readiness of a company to cooperate with the environment and its innovative activity.

№ 6(18) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Professional competence
The author: Lukashenko M.

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In the article is revealed the intension of top managers' key professional competencies, which affects competitiveness of Russian companies, headed by them. The author is pointing the reasons, why chief must not only master required professional competencies, but also has to sequentially and purposefully form corporative culture in company, by which competitiveness-centered competencies would be common for every person in team. In the article were opened very important for corporative management practice questions: by which resources the key professional competencies are formed, in what degree it is beneficial for Russian higher education institutes and which way the situation can be changed.

№ 6(18) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Professional competence
The author: Bandurin A. V.

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Many specialists express different views upon the meaning of the terms «competence» and «jurisdiction». Despite the variety of opinions everything goes around the idea of knowledge, skills and abilities of an employee who occupies a certain position in a company. We believe that very often entrepreneurial competence is not enough to form an effective system of corporative management in a company. Today the development of the competence of corporative management is still not given much attention to at educational institutions, training and consultancy companies serving business.

№ 6(18) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
The author: Fathutdinov R. A.

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The journal continues to publish Professor Rais Akhmetovich Fatkhutdinov's textbook Organization's Competitive Capacity Managements The fourth topic is devoted to the problems of additional synergetic reserves that increase companies' competitive capacity on the basis of cluster formation. The author reveals principles of competitive capacity management at the time of globalization, factors of increasing quality and effectiveness of decisions on competitive capacity; he also studies universal, general and specific functions of competitive capacity management. On the basis of the systematic approach the author shows the management structure of a competition-oriented organization.

№ 1(19) 01 january 2010 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
Authors: Avdasheva S., Shastitko A.

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The article presents the basic parts of competition policy — protective and active competition policy, as well as competition advocating. Protective competition policy explains the content of the «hard antitrust core» and suppression of unfair competition. The article studies directions of active compe¬tition policy such as the development of competition in industries with a natural monopoly element, competition rules in the market with a state as a buyer, the decrease of redundant barriers for enter¬ing and leaving the market. Variants of correlation and interaction among instruments of protective and active competition policies taking into account differences in tough and soft force are shown in the article.
