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Shastitko A.

Shastitko A.
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Competition and Industrial Policy Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Director of the Center for Competition and Economic Regulation Research, Director of Center for Research in Competition and Economic Regulation Studies, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Moscow, Russia

Ex ante merger control in Russia: changes of efficiency if antitrust legislation

Abstract. Law «On protection of competition** adopted in 2006, changed the procedure of ex ante merger control in Russia substantially. Positive impact of the changes in law on economic efficiency seems to be at least twice as annual budget of Federal Antitrust Service. The treatment of group of economic entities as economic firm was apprehended by Russian business. At the same time ex ante merger control still suffer from path-dependency: the most striking is the system of behavioral remedies containing the elements of price regulation.

Competition policy: composition, structure, system

The article presents the basic parts of competition policy — protective and active competition policy, as well as competition advocating. Protective competition policy explains the content of the «hard antitrust core» and suppression of unfair competition. The article studies directions of active compe¬tition policy such as the development of competition in industries with a natural monopoly element, competition rules in the market with a state as a buyer, the decrease of redundant barriers for enter¬ing and leaving the market. Variants of correlation and interaction among instruments of protective and active competition policies taking into account differences in tough and soft force are shown in the article.


Trading in durable goods: a set of objects and limits of antitrust

This article reveals the reason for specific way of competition law enforcement in markets defined within the context of interrelation between the main and derivative products. Identifying particularities of grounds for aftermarkets definition we provide systematization of various types of interrelations between main product and derivative product taking into account possible cases for two related markets and single one in product boundaries; competition and monopolization of single market, both markets or one of them. The set of competition restrictions problems within the «main product — derivative (supplementary) product» relationship is defined on the basis of studies in the New Institutional Economic theory taking into account the contracting between producers (sellers) and buyers of products mentioned. It is explained significance of such aspects of interrelations between buyers and sellers of complex durable goods as fundamental transformation, switching cost, hold up, contracts incompleteness. Based on lessons learned from «Kodak» and some other cases the issue of limits for efficient antitrust enforcement is discussed. The problem of excessive antitrust enforcement as an substitute of contracts design by private actors demonstrate the risk of crowding out of private ordering of contracts by public ones. The article shows some signs of specific vector of Russian antimonopoly law enforcement related to aftermarkets issues. It is discussed particular case of product boundaries definition of market (stripes for tests to check quantity of sugar in blood) and wider classification of interrelations between the main and derivative products taking into account not only individual market dominance but also collective market dominance.

Antitrust Law Enforcement in Aftermarkets: for Product Boundaries Estimates to Competition Advocacy

This article brings out and summarizes approaches to definition of market product boundaries for the purpose of antitrust law enforcement in accordance with the relationship between the main and derivative products. Following factors are discussed: price of the derivate product in absolute terms and in comparison with the main product price; probability of the derivative product sale to consumer under period of the main product use; the main product buyers structure; information on durables post-sale service conditions availability. It is shown applicability of transaction cost economics approach to discuss issues relating antitrust and contracting using such transaction features as bounded rationality, opportunistic behavior and assets specificity. The reasons to mitigate the mode of antitrust enforcement in aftermarkets are exposed: research and development expenditures, reputation effects for the main product producer who controls aftermarket, increasing return to scale in aftermarket.,The article provides the assessment of the results of Russian antimonopoly policy and competition advocacy in related markets characterized by «main product-derivative product» relationship. Special attention is devoted to compliance practices of manufacturers and dealers in auto industry from the perspective of competition support in aftermarkets. The article offers policy implications for the antitrust law enforcement in aftermarkets in Russia.

Two-sided markets: the subject matter specification

Pricing and investment strategies on two-sided markets are significantly affected by the presence of cross-network effects between the two sides of the platform. In order to maximize profit platform internalizes positive externalities and expands the scale of transactions by making decisions about the level and structure of prices for different groups of consumers. Adjusting the structure of rates, established by platform for various parties, can be considered as a mechanism to internalize crossnetwork effect. The concept of two-sided markets drew attention to the problem of using the traditional one-sided logic on two-sided market, but the problem may also be in too broad interpretation of the two-sided markets concept and the use of two-sided logic in the traditional one-sided markets. Two-sided markets features impose certain restrictions and require new approaches in terms of economic analysis for the purposes of the application of antitrust laws. The paper is carried out to compare different approaches to defining the platform as an object of study, as well as an attempt to relate the concept of two-sided markets with traditional concepts of the theory of externalities and third degree price discrimination.

Priorities for competition policy in Russia until 2030

Setting out the long-term priorities of competition policy, it’s impossible today to discuss them in isolation from industrial policy. New industrial policy is brought to the forefront, and competition values are its central element. In this context the article offers six major trends for competition policy up to the year 2030: a shift to «smart» antitrust regulation, developing competition with the use of IPR, lowering entry barriers, modernizing the regulation of natural monopolies, developing competition in public procurement and the auctioning off of state property, and developing competition on a regional level. Part of these trends are explained through specific measures, while part of them are left up for discussion. A set of short-term measures are proposed as well.

Structural Alternatives of the Method of Comparable Markets in Implementing Antitrust Law

The basic idea of using comparable markets for antitrust analysis is discussed. The structural alternatives of the method are presented, including the «before-and-after», «yardstick» and «benchmark » variations, as well as a synthetic method, combining traits of the first three. A link is established between the requirements for the applied method of analyzing comparable markets, the criteria used to determine them and the research objectives — establishing the fact if an excessive or predatory price has been set and estimating the harm from an anticompetitive practice. International practice in applying the method of comparable markets in antitrust is analyzed based on cases from the EU, separate EU countries and the South-African Republic.

Price Parallelism on Mobile Communication Markets: Three Interpretations

Price parallelism in itself is not a violation of antitrust law. However, in the mobile communication market, it is complemented by features of product characteristics and industry regulation in such a way that, as a result, it often attracts the attention of antitrust authorities as a sign of concerted actions (or agreements) restricting competition. The article shows that the existing norms in the law that describe the criteria for classifying concerted actions are based on economic models that often do not take into account some real features of the market and of the sellers and buyers. As a result, the same observable practices may have alternative interpretations that do not imply any kind of coordination between market participants. The article offers three such alternative interpretations: through the discrepancy between the expected and actual volume of service consumption, from the standpoint of the «new theory of consumer demand» and from the behavioral economics standpoint. To make a decision about the existence of a violation, these hypotheses concerning the causes of parallel behavior must be disproved with a sufficient degree of accuracy, otherwise there is a high risk of law enforcement errors.

Removal of roaming in the EU: Lessons for Russia

Possible consequences of removal of national and intranet roaming in Russia are actively discussed nowadays. A major focus of this article is on the European Union where international roaming was removed. The overview of the evolution of roaming in the European Union can be mainly discussed in case of international roaming but at the same time can be extended to national and intranet roaming regulation. European experience is one of the sources of identification of practical issues, as well as options for their solution. This paper aims at providing insights in the effect of roaming regulation in the European Union. We also discuss in detail main structural alternatives of regulation and principles of their comparison, disclose used principles of institutional design. European experience makes an opportunity to summarize the best practices of «smart regulation»: consistent approach to reforms, the assessment of effects for mobile network operators and for consumers, adjustment of measures based on the intermediate results. These practices are relevant when changing the system of intranet roaming in Russia.

National antitrust in a global context

The effects of national antitrust are studied in a global context based on modeling trade between two countries with a strict specialization in the production of goods. An equilibrium is explained in terms of the choice of the competition protection mode for the case of lack of coordination in law enforcement, on the basis of the accepted assumptions regarding the incentives of the national antimonopoly authorities to act in order to maximize the total welfare on the internal market. This equilibrium entails a case in which national antimonopoly authorities choose to fight only those infringements that lead to negative effects for internal markets and avoid fighting infringements by national companies on export markets. The Pareto-improvement conditions as a result of the adjustment of the competition protection regime at the supranational level are explained, and the boundary conditions for the supranational antitrust in terms of cartel deterrence are identified. The results obtained allow us to demonstrate the sources of obstacles to the formation of a coherent competition policy at the supranational level and to find the conditions under which these obstacles can be overcome. Symmetrical extraterritoriality may be one of the options for providing Pareto improvements, but the costs and ways of its implementation will play a key role in evaluating the efficiency of such a solution.

Individual Abuse of Collective Dominance in Cellular Communications: Problems of Identification

Recently, discussions about the validity of the Russian practice of establishing the facts of individual abuse of collective dominance have been escalating: many experts point to a contradiction between the meaning of collective dominance, in which a small number of companies have a joint dominant position, in connection with each other, and the possibility of an individual company to abuse this position. The purpose of the article is to assess the correctness of this approach in the context of recent antitrust cases in the cellular communications market – in particular, two cases against the mobile operator “Tele2”. In the article, the applied practice is assessed in relation to the currently known results in the field of economic theory, as well as international best practices in the application of the concept of collective dominance. The findings indicate that the conclusion of the FAS Russia on the presence of the dominant position of Tele2 as part of collective dominance and the possibility of the company to exercise its market power does not correspond to either foreign practice or industrial organization theory. The source of error in the qualification of behavior is largely due to the focus of the antimonopoly authority on quantitative criteria of collective dominance to the detriment of the analysis of qualitative criteria and behavior. This case illustrates a typical tendency for such cases not to investigate the behavior of other collectively dominant market participants in relation to the behavior of the company accused of individual abuse, as well as not to investigate consumer behavior, and, in particular, their real possibilities to switch and switching actions. The article was written on the basis of the RANEPA state assignment research programme. Read more...

The Limits of the Study of Economic Evidence by Courts in Antimonopoly Cases: Grounds, Incentives and Constraints

Economic forensic examination is a means of achieving a better balance of errors of the first and second kind in law enforcement, but in itself depends on the incentives and capabilities of judges to assess the sufficiency of the grounds for its appointment. The purpose of any forensic examination is to obtain by the court, for the purposes of the administration of justice, special knowledge and information about a particular fact or phenomenon that is beyond the limits of legal science. It is antimonopoly legislation and law enforcement that can most clearly illustrate the fusion of legal and economic disciplines, where legal norms frame economic reality, forming a procedural contour for the court. The Court thus becomes the receiver of the standards of economic science, its approaches and rules. At the same time, it is shown that in reality the courts are faced with a difficult dilemma, on the one hand, compliance with procedural purity and, on the other hand, obtaining the necessary to improve the balance of errors of the first and second kind of economic evidence in terms of market research, determining the position of the economic entity that is the object of law enforcement, as well as the qualification of actions with the use of relevant theory of harm. The assessment of economic evidence by the courts should be based on a competent independent expert assessment and proceed from the categories of necessity and sufficiency. A set of imperfect substitutes for the assessment by the court of economic evidence on the merits is indicated. The article offers simple and practical approaches to the investigation by courts of economic facts and circumstances in order to make a correct, complete and reasoned decision on the antimonopoly case. Read more...

The Effect of the Interpretation of Company Behavior on the Analysis of Market Boundaries

The analysis of the state of competition in commodity markets is formally regulated by Order No. 220 of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated April 28, 2010 “On Approval of the Procedure for Analyzing the State of Competition in the Commodity Market”, but in reality, the mechanical adherence to the norms of this document is not enough, since all stages of the analysis, explicitly or implicitly, are based on a certain interpretation of the relationship and behavior of the defendant, the applicant and other affected persons. A vivid illustration is the situation with the provision of wired Internet services for tenants in shopping and entertainment centers. The relevance of this issue is ensured by the presence of antimonopoly cases, which consider the compliance of the provision of such services with antimonopoly legislation. The purpose of the study is to reveal, using the example of the markets for renting premises in shopping and entertainment centers and Internet communications, how the interpretation of the company’s behavior determines the approaches to assessing the boundaries of relevant markets. For this, alternative interpretations of the relationship and behavior of Internet providers (telecom operators), owners of shopping and entertainment centers and tenants are presented; grounds for the proposed interpretations are given; the consequences of applying alternative interpretations to identifying relevant markets and their further analysis in accordance with the requirements of the legislation are described; the key questions for research are highlighted, which can allow one to compare alternative interpretations and choose the one that best corresponds to the essence of the analyzed economic relations. As a result, we show that the analysis cannot ignore the connection between communication services providers, tenants as purchasers of communication services, and owners of shopping centers. Alternative interpretations of this connection are possible from the point of view of the economic essence of these relations and relevant theoretical concepts, but in any case, its economic nature should be studied, including for the purposes of the correct application of legal norms to assess the state of competition in the affected product markets Read more...

The Evolution of Antitrust Regulation of Joint Venture Agreements

Cooperation agreements between competitors can be an important tool for markets to adapt to external shocks, whether those are the consequences of a pandemic or economic sanctions. In this regard, the discussion of approaches to evaluating such agreements for admissibility from the point of view of antimonopoly legislation under current conditions is relevant. The purpose of the article is to assess the current state of antimonopoly control of cooperation agreements in Russia. To do this, we use the tools of the new institutional economic theory to analyze the history of the development of the regulation of such agreements. We reveal how modern sources of possible type I enforcement errors (the erroneous prohibition of agreements that actually contribute to the growth of public welfare) are connected with the history of institutional changes in the rules governing the analysis of cooperation agreements from the point of view of antimonopoly legislation. In particular, we show that the approaches to the analysis of cooperation agreements developed during the period of validity of a specific set of rules in 2011–2015 and summarized in the Clarifications of the Presidium of the FAS Russia on the procedure and methodology for analyzing cooperation agreements (2013) currently create an overly strict control regime for such agreements after the changes in the antimonopoly law that took place in 2015. The importance of solving this problem is demonstrated in light of the ability of companies to use cooperation to mitigate the consequences of external shocks, including economic sanctions. Structural alternatives to the control of such agreements are formulated that are applicable to various actual forms of agreements between competitors, which could contribute to a better adaptation of market participants to changing conditions. Read more...