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Gricenko E. G.

PhD (Economics), Professor of Chair of Economics and Competition Policy, Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, KNTEU

Governmental anticompetition actions and their influence on entrepreneurial environment

The activity of government bodies, local and administrative governments, control bodies is very often connected with anticompetition actions. The article is devoted to the structure study and the reasons for infraction of the law on the protection of economic competition. Ukrainian economical activity provides the material for this analysis. The manifestation and the practice of termination of governmental illegal actions are analyzed on the basis of various cases from the practice of the Ukrainian Antimonopoly Committee. Proposals on the improvement of governmental activity in the sphere of competition development are worked out.


Characteristics of a competition on the consulting services market of Ukraine

This article is devoted to analysis of structure, dynamics, and state of competitive environment at the different coordination levels of Ukrainian consulting services market participants. The authors identify three coordination levels of market entities: «firm-client», «firm-firm» and «firm-state». By analyzing «firm-client» level we gained an impression about features of the market supply and demand. There were analyzed positive and negative sides of the most usable on practice concentration ratios at the «firm-firm» level. Also were uncovered some principal limitations of concentration indexes. These weaknesses may cause to some skewing of eventual research results. Study of the «firm-state» level made it possible to evaluate the nature and extent of government regulation of the market.