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№ 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Consult a specialist
The author: Kosorukova I. V.

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The agreement for appraisal services and appraisal report compilation requirements set by the Russian legislation are very strict and if the requirements are not met, the court of law has a right to issue a resolution stating that the agreement is null and void and the cost estimates are erroneous. That is why any customer should be aware of the appraisal and estimation-related operational requirements set by the legislation. This is the only way to decrease the risk of suffering from the bad consequences of the deal made in accordance with the costs estimates made by the appraisers and to decrease the risk of dealing with an incompetent individual and to save the money (the sums are sometimes quite large). Without doing an in-depth research, the article author offers the public to take a look at the legisla¬tion requirements and the appraisal standards that any appraiser has to meet when preparing an appraisal report.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Zubov V. M.

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Today the issues associated with the current financial crisis beginning point and the issues that concern the possible way out of it are discussed by various groups of people. The audiences who participate in the discussion range from the politicians and financial analysts to the academic community and the rank-an-file people. The politicians and analysts see eye to eye with one another as far as the reasons why it all has begun and the identification of the crisis stages we have lived through are concerned. They do not share the same opinion when it comes to the crisis countering measures and the crisis development forecast. Some experts say that the crisis is merely a part of the economic development evolutionary process which is quite natural while others are sure that the current crisis is a «man-made product», it is not a part of the natural development process, and it has nothing to do with the world economic development scheme. Mr. Zubov's viewpoint of the issue is published here by the editorial board. Continue...
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Klejner G. B.

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John Maynard Keynes' book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money appeared as a follow-up to the preceding research that was done in order to help people fight with the aftermath of the economic crisis of the 1920-s and 30-s that had affected all the developed capitalist countries. Can the modern scientific community use the experience gained and the great economists' heritage in order to analyze the reasons why the world financial crisis has occurred and can they offer an efficient tool to be used to find a way out of the situation? 
The editorial board publishes here an article where Georgy Kleiner describes his view of the issue.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Murychev A. V.

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The world economic crisis has affected the USA and the European countries and it has now affected Russia. One should have been ready for the development of this scenario. Have all the opportunities been used to prepare the necessary steps to confront the crisis in this country? Are the measures taken efficient enough and are there the necessary reserves in place to be used as appropriate? Such topics as the probability of a new wave of crisis, the prospects of a future collecting agency that would collect the bad debts, the appropriateness of such measures as the excessive ready assets offerings to banks and many other topics are being lively discussed by the wide public. 
The editorial board has asked Mr. Murychev to share his point of view with us and give his professional assessment of the current developments.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Ageev A. I.

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The Russian economy is rather well-integrated into the world economy. This is why the Russian economy has both the advantages and the serious disadvantages when it comes to the Russian national economy development. Russia cannot help being affected by the aftermath of the financial crisis the world is suffering from.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Yusupova G. F.

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Collusive agreement and tacit collusion problem is one of the most complex issues that both the legal professionals who deal with the competitive businesses and the antimonopoly officials face both in Russia and in all the countries of the world. How should we assess the achievements made by the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service? What should we do to put an end to the cartel agreement and tacit agreement-making practices? These were the issues discussed during a roundtable dis¬cussion organized by the Institute for Modern Development. The roundtable discussion title theme was The Collusive Agreements and the Tacit Collusion. Economists, legal professionals (including the practitioners who operate as defense counselors), executive bodies' and large businesses' representatives took part in the work during the discussion. The discussion was dedicated to the tacit agreement-making countering measures and the Russian antimonopoly policy elaboration issues. The discussion results can be of interest and of help to the economists who specialize in dealing with a wide range of economic issues.