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Cost estimating: the theory and the practice

Published in № 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Consult a specialist
The author: Kosorukova I. V.
The agreement for appraisal services and appraisal report compilation requirements set by the Russian legislation are very strict and if the requirements are not met, the court of law has a right to issue a resolution stating that the agreement is null and void and the cost estimates are erroneous. That is why any customer should be aware of the appraisal and estimation-related operational requirements set by the legislation. This is the only way to decrease the risk of suffering from the bad consequences of the deal made in accordance with the costs estimates made by the appraisers and to decrease the risk of dealing with an incompetent individual and to save the money (the sums are sometimes quite large). Without doing an in-depth research, the article author offers the public to take a look at the legisla¬tion requirements and the appraisal standards that any appraiser has to meet when preparing an appraisal report.

The author:

Kosorukova I. V.


Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Deputy Head of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance for Research and Postgraduate Studies Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Head of Valuation Activity and Corporate Finance Department, Synergy University


Moscow, Russia