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The financial crisis and the effficiency of the steps to confront it

Published in № 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Murychev A. V.
The world economic crisis has affected the USA and the European countries and it has now affected Russia. One should have been ready for the development of this scenario. Have all the opportunities been used to prepare the necessary steps to confront the crisis in this country? Are the measures taken efficient enough and are there the necessary reserves in place to be used as appropriate? Such topics as the probability of a new wave of crisis, the prospects of a future collecting agency that would collect the bad debts, the appropriateness of such measures as the excessive ready assets offerings to banks and many other topics are being lively discussed by the wide public. 
The editorial board has asked Mr. Murychev to share his point of view with us and give his professional assessment of the current developments.

The author:

Murychev A. V.


First Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs