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№ 4(10) 01 july 2008 year
Rubric: Professional competence
Authors: Ozernikova T. G., Markov D. V.

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The article describes the methodology and the results of the forests made to determine the future Irkutsk regional economy HR needs (within the period that ends before 2020). The human re¬sources are divided into groups depending on the level of the training they get (basic, vocational school, higher education institution). The forecast is made concerning the total number of graduates. The number is subdivided into groups that show the required number of vocational school and university graduates and the groups of interrelated specializations that are in demand. There are two types of forecasts: a strategic one and an inertial development-based one. The authors describe the approaches that can be used to make HR future needs forecasts, the work stages and the mathematical methods used. The article includes some forecast results that relate to the needs in the personnel with various level of training.
№ 4(10) 01 july 2008 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Mal`cev A. A.

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The article researches into the genesis of the "Dutch Disease" theory. The work considers the reasons and systematizes the key symptoms of "Dutch disease". Special emphasis is being put on the Russian "Dutch disease" presence diagnosis. It has been proven that "Dutch disease of de-industrialization" is not always connected with the mineral resources extraction and export.
№ 5(11) 01 september 2008 year
Rubric: FAS: antitrust
Authors: Avdasheva S., Shastitko A.

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Abstract. Law «On protection of competition** adopted in 2006, changed the procedure of ex ante merger control in Russia substantially. Positive impact of the changes in law on economic efficiency seems to be at least twice as annual budget of Federal Antitrust Service. The treatment of group of economic entities as economic firm was apprehended by Russian business. At the same time ex ante merger control still suffer from path-dependency: the most striking is the system of behavioral remedies containing the elements of price regulation.
№ 5(11) 01 september 2008 year
Rubric: Competition policy
The author: Glaz`ev S. Y.

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The President's socio-economic strategy of the Russian State development within the period of up to 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) presented at a State Council meeting is, in es¬sence, a political decision of choosing the innovations-oriented path of the economy development and keeping away from the inertia-based pathway of the energy natural resource and raw material excessive use. The Strategy implementation process should be based on the Socio-Economic Development Concept developed by and the Forecast made by the RF Government (hereinafter referred to as the Concept and the Forecast) after the above decision was made. The article author examines whether the Government Concept and the Forecast parameters are in line with the strategic objective of the switchover to the innovations-based path of the Russian economy development.
№ 5(11) 01 september 2008 year
Rubric: Competition policy
Authors: Zaloznaya G. M., Zaloznaya A. Y., Zaloznyj I. V.

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The globalization-related processes strongly influence the social and economic development of the countries of the world and of the national economic systems. The challenges of globalization place the national economy competitiveness level increase issue on top of the priorities list. Under the circumstances a set of measures aimed at improving the Russian national economy competitiveness level becomes a factor contributing to the national economy growth.
№ 5(11) 01 september 2008 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
Authors: Kononova V. Y., Plehanov D. A., Zaverskij S. M.

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The Russian processing industry development calls for the new national-level industrial facilities that would be competitive on the global market. Such facilities outside of the Russian territory are usually turned into large business entities that can develop and introduce their new product into the market and even develop some new manufacturing standards. Such companies have emerged within some sectors of the modern Russian engineering industry. But their continuous development requires some support from the state bodies. The state can support them by facilitating the tax burden, improving the customs and export rules and regulations, and by creating joint programs in which both state-owned and privately-owned companies could take part. These measures can be taken efficiently if a separate state body is created that would be in charge of identifying the priori¬ties in the industry development field and in charge of the relevant project implementation.