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№2(44) March-april 2014 year


Industry market

Author: N. Gromova

This article discusses ways of increasing the competitiveness of Russian universities in both nаtional and international levels. It is shown that one of priority directions to ensure the competitiveness of the national education system is the development of university staff. The reasons caused the need of personnel development at universities are allocated. Experience of personnel development at leading Russian and foreign universities is examines in the article. Main directions of staff development of Russian universities are suggested in conclusion.

Authors: A. Zhuk, E. Kizilova

Market of alcohol products is of special interest to the scientific and economic analysis, as it has the specificity of being one of the most important sources of replenishment of the budget. The alcohol market has its own peculiarities, which gives rise to the need for active public regulation of the processes of production, consumption, supply and demand of these products. The market is not able to limit the demand and consumption of alcoholic beverages. From the positions of the same social justice is very important limitation of demand and excessive consumption of such harmful goods as alcohol. For a number of reasons the need of proactive state intervention in the process of creating the pre-provisions on alcohol products, pricing and regulation of processes of distribution and redistribution of income from its production and implementation. The aim of the research is to study the mechanisms of state regulation of the alcohol market in the countries of the Eurasian region.

Competitive Russia

Nowadays researches of different international economic organizations, such as the OECD, WTO and UNCTAD, concentrate more on global value chains (GVCs) analysis. Production processes of majority of goods are not limited to the production in a single country. Furthermore, involvement in different stages of production depends on the level of technological and innovative development of the country as well as on the availability of resources. Current article is devoted to the interdependence between fundamental changes in value chain model of goods and services and governments’ foreign economic regulation system. Besides, authors analyze reasons for rising fragmentation of production in the world economy and forms of participation in global value chains, which are chosen by countries. The given article demonstrates theoretical framework for various forms of integration of countries into global value chains as well as assessment of prospects for national economies within GVCs based on case-study of such countries as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China. Furthermore, the author presents retrospec- tive and comparative analysis of several countries’ economic development within global value chains.

Author: T. Tsukanova

In this paper, based on data of 455 Russian firms, the author analyzes the differences in the perception of external and internal factors of internationalization among firms that have international operations and firms that operate only in Russian market. The results help to identify the factors that should be considered while elaborating internationalization strategy and government support programs.

The theory of competition

Author: Yu. Rubin

The article describes the general theoretical definition of the competitive position and competitive positioning of participants in economic competition. The author examines the different types of competitive position and background of their formation. The author formulates understanding of barriers to competitive positioning from external competitive environment. This article is based on the materials of the second chapter of the new edition of a textbook for bachelors «Competition», preparing for publication.

Antitrust regulation

This article focuses on the development of antitrust policy in transition economies in the context of preventing explicit and tacit collusion. Experience of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine in the creation of antitrust institutions was analyzed, including both legislation and enforcement practice, in particular, unique features in the use of «rule of reason» approach. Also were shown problems that still remain actual for transition economies in this area, including the problem of cooperation between competition authority and police system and the standard of proof problem in the case of collusion. These countries in the early 90th were in similar socio-economic conditions and were forced to create completely new institutions in the field of protection of competition. It is shown that existing quantitative ratings of competition can’t be regarded as certain final assessment of the effectiveness of antitrust policy. The article proposes a special approach to evaluation of preventing col- lusion mechanisms, based on the institutional analysis. This approach takes into account such enforcement problems as: classification problems (tacit vs explicit collusion, vertical vs horizontal agreements), flexibility of prohibitions («per se» vs «rule of reason»), design of sanctions, private enforcement challenge, leniency program mechanisms, the role of antitrust authorities, especially in criminal investigation issues etc.

Тема, которую мы сегодня собираемся обсуждать, «Оценка состояния конкуренции и конкурентной среды, возможность ее измерения и сопоставимости данных», принципиально важна, так как определяет методологию проведения такого рода анализа и исследований, задает тон и дает возможность определить те результаты, о которых мы можем с достоверностью говорить при измерении состояния конкурентной среды. Само состояние конкурентной среды в Российской Федерации является, по нашему мнению, одним из важнейших вопросов для того, чтобы определить возможные темпы экономического роста и характер социально-экономического развития в стране в целом. Для того чтобы что-нибудь улучшать, нужно научиться сначала это измерять. И мне очень приятно, что мы это делаем совместно с Федеральной антимонопольной службой РФ, поскольку очевидно, что это наиболее заинтересованный орган государственной власти, который этой темой занимается. Но в то же время нам как Аналитическому центру при Правительстве РФ важно знать мнение экспертного сообщества: о чем по этому поводу возможно говорить. Потому что тема многократно обсуждается на уровне Правительства, и важно «сверять часы» и понимать, какое мнение у экспертного сообщества и что является пределом возможного, о чем мы можем говорить с той или иной достоверностью по этому вопросу.

Сompetitiveness of the personnel

In article possibilities of application of a system rating method for an assessment of competitiveness of staff of the organization are described. The system of methods joins an assessment of personal potential, social and psychological characteristics, level of professional and administrative competence of employees. Result of this method is the rating of a business assessment of specialists of the organization, visually representing relative potential of employees and being scientifically reasonable indicator for further personnel changes.