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Kizilova E.

Student of the Department of Regional Studies of the Southern Federal University

State regulation of the spirit’s market in Russian Federation: on the way to state monopoly?

Market of alcohol products is of special interest to the scientific and economic analysis, as it has the specificity of being one of the most important sources of replenishment of the budget. The alcohol market has its own peculiarities, which gives rise to the need for active public regulation of the processes of production, consumption, supply and demand of these products. The market is not able to limit the demand and consumption of alcoholic beverages. From the positions of the same social justice is very important limitation of demand and excessive consumption of such harmful goods as alcohol. For a number of reasons the need of proactive state intervention in the process of creating the pre-provisions on alcohol products, pricing and regulation of processes of distribution and redistribution of income from its production and implementation. The aim of the research is to study the mechanisms of state regulation of the alcohol market in the countries of the Eurasian region.