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№3(99) 2024

  • From Small to Large Business
  • The Concept of Educational Protectionism: Prospects and Risks of Adoption in the Context of the Destruction of Trade Relations in the 21st Century
  • The Role and Place of Personal Selling Competence in the Standard of Professional Entrepreneurship
  • The Role of Digitalization of the Economy in the Development of the Russian Banking Sector in a Competitive Environment
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№2(98) 2024

  • Analysis of the State of Competition in the Housing Construction Market in the Context of Key Trends
  • Corporate Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions in a Competitive Environment
  • Institute of “Nominal Manager of the Company”: Essence, Forms, Motives and Risks of Application
  • Optimization Personnel Management of Non-profit Organizations as a Condition for Ensuring Their Competitiveness
  • The Role of Digital Products in the Development of the Domestic Retail Entrepreneurship
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№1(97) 2024

  • Management of Business Competitiveness Based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Its Sustainable Development
  • Targets and Prospects of the Russian Competition Policy under Deglobalization
  • The Specifics of Designing the Digital Circuit of a Technology Startup
  • Management of Participation in Competition as a Direction of Scientific Research
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№6(96) 2023

  • Competition in Sports Industry Products Market
  • Improving Methods for Monitoring Competition in the Public Procurement Market
  • Tasks of Corporate Conflictology
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№5(95) 2023

  • Business Game as a Method of Developing Entrepreneurial Skills of Competition
  • Poaching Personnel in the System of Competitive Relations of Small Businesses
  • The Motivational Role of the ESG Factor in Transactions of Economic Concentration
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№4(94) 2023

  • Competitive Environment of the Russian Railway Wagon Refurbishment Market
  • Conditions for the Realization of the “Consciously Comradely” Principles of the Organizational and Managerial Model of A. Bogdanov
  • Organizational Behavior Improving in the Field of Contact Centers
  • Strategic Management of Transformation of Online Trading Platforms: Problems and Solutions
  • Analyzing the Use of Project Technologies in the Implementation of National Projects
  • Directions of Entrepreneurship Development in the Sports Industry
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№3(93) 2023

  • Choosing a Priority Way to Increase the Level of Competitiveness of the Russian Economy in the Conditions of Uncertainty of the Global Conjuncture
  • The Institute of "Comradely Principles" and Subsidiary Configurations of Management of the Primary Production Link in the Russian Economy
  • The State of “Movable equilibrium” (According to A. A. Bogdanov) as an Object of Control
  • Possibilities of Streamlining Competitive Interaction in the Light of A. A. Bogdanov's "Tectology"
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№2(92) 2023

  • Business Support in the Context of Digital Transformation
  • Education in End-to-end Technologies in Russian Universities: Scale of Implementation and Features of Management
  • Entrepreneurship Education by the Aid of Foresight Session Technology
  • Impact of the Abuse of Dominance in the EU Coupled Intraday Electricity Markets on the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
  • Strategy and Tactics of Anti-crisis Management of Labor Organization of Production Personnel
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№1(91) 2023

  • Internet Marketing as a Technology for Achieving the Competitiveness of a Modern Company in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Economy
  • Study of Contextual Factors of Pitching Success
  • The Evolution of Antitrust Regulation of Joint Venture Agreements
  • The Use of Innovative Tools to Promote a New Product in the Competitive Environment
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