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№ 2(2) 01 march 2007 year
Rubric: Financial Instruments
The author: Dun I. V.

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The Russian businesses' demand for the long-term financial resource is still high. This is especially true for those operating in the real sector of the economy. Nevertheless, there are no banks in Russia (save Sberbank and Vneshtorgbank) that can independently issue loans to, for instance, Gazprom or Transneft. That is why the syndicated Russian and foreign banks' investment is an increasingly popular financial instrument the banks have to use in order to cater to their big customers. The Russian and foreign syndicated loan best practices are different. There are now clear-cut and universal regulations in place in Russia in regard to such business practices. However, the years 2005 and 2006 saw a boom in the syndicated loan issuing in Russia.
№ 3(3) 01 may 2007 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Glaz`ev S. Y.

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Despite the seemingly good macroeconomic indicators, the Russian economic development has been hampered recently by the serious barriers created by the economic policy-makers. The competitiveness level of the Russian economy is still going in downswing. One of the reasons for the plunging is the fact that the excess profits gained from the natural resources exports were hardly ever used to modernize the economy. Our magazine publishes some fragments from a report made by S. Glazyev, corresponding mem¬ber of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the National Development Institute. The report was made at the Russian Social and Economic Development Strategy in the Context of Globalization workshop held to mark the 10th anniversary of the National Development Institute which is part of the Social Sciences Directorate of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
№ 3(3) 01 may 2007 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: SHohin A.

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Nowadays both state and independent experts agree that the tempo of Russia's economic growth is mainly due to high global prices and increase in the export amount of raw materials. As can be learnt from the global experience the role of supplier of raw materials for the global economy leads to negative consequences, and the urgent necessity arises to consolidate the efforts of the state and the representatives of Russia's business community aimed at working out measures, which would ensure stable growth of Russia's economy and improvement of its competitiveness. The report presented by A. Shokhin at the first analytical conference «Competition: Strategy, Tactics, Models, Training» touched upon the issue of revitalizing competitiveness of Russia's econo¬my, the factors hampering this process, the importance of a constructive dialogue between the business community and the state.
№ 3(3) 01 may 2007 year
Rubric: Discussion
The author: Luk`yanova E. A.

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Please find below a short comment from me that I send to the readers. It all began when some people at an economic theory conference asked me to tell them about the status quo in the modern competition in politics. The question is nothing new and the reasons why it is asked are understandable enough. But given the venue where it was asked, it was naturally ex¬tended and finally looked like: "If we take the concepts of healthy business competition and healthy competition in politics, can we establish a link between the two?' Frankly, I never thought about that. The reason for that is the fact that the legal regulation of the antimonopoly measures and the political pluralism policies regulation are the subject matters of two quite different specializations in the legal profession. Nevertheless, I made a mental note about the problem identified to me, and I started making real notes on paper on matters related to the theme. Then it suddenly turned out the idea to discuss the problem was in the air and the modern economic conditions really "produced" the question. Can we put an equality mark between the competition in politics and business competition? Is it true that political monopolies inevitably bring about more unhealthy competitive business practices? The questions seem to be as pressing as the usual Russian questions "Who is to blame?" and "What should be done?" and the question of who would rule the country in the future. I understand that the problem cannot be examined from the point of view of a legal professional only as the prob¬lem is only partially legal. That is why I suggest a multidisciplinary discussion should be opened. As a specialist in the constitutional law that examines the legal regulation of the state power, I shall try and examine the problem from a legal specialist's point of view.
№ 3(3) 01 may 2007 year
Rubric: Discussion
The author: Mushtuk O. Z.

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In real life, politics and economics are so inextricably intertwined that only a scholar can make a division between the two. Everything (or almost everything) that is happening in the social life "bears a stamp" of economic relations and political relations. Everything (or almost everything) that is happening is somehow based upon the economic and political relations.
№ 3(3) 01 may 2007 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
The author: Rubin Y.

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Before the businesses choose to use a set of executive measures, a number of prompt steps or make a set of certain arrangements, the businesses' competitive behavior model is shaped at the strategic level where a strategy/set of strategies are formed that become a basis of the business strategic behavior. As M. Porter notes, the leadership and success are based upon the business' ability to consistently, on a day-to-day basis, implement a chosen strategy. Competent behavior of the competitive market players is always based on the professional businesses' strict dividing the behavior levels and avoiding the overlaps when participating in the competition.
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