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№ 5(17) 01 september 2009 year
Rubric: The theory of competition
The author: Tomas D.

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In the article the author analyzes the growth of natural monopolies in the USA and comes to the con¬clusion that the theory of the natural monopoly is an economic fiction. It goes back to the idea that at the end of the XIX and beginning of the XX century there was tough competition in infrastructural areas which obviously was not favored by manufactures. First of all they made the administration grant them the monopoly status; afterwards with the support of some prominent economists they constructed the grounds for the monopolization. The article ends with the opinion that there is no place for it in the US economy of the XXI century. Is there any place for the monopoly in the Russian economy of the XXI century?

№ 5(17) 01 september 2009 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
The author: Fathutdinov R. A.

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The journal continues to publish Professor Rais Akhmetovich Fatkhutdinov's textbook «Organization's Competitive Capacity Management. The third topic is devoted to the issues of economic laws usage for stimulating objects competitive capacity. Particularly should be stressed the author's analysis of scientific viewpoints about object management in competitive capable economics, which set the necessary basis for elaboration and admission of management business solutions, during the management process in commercial organizations. The distinctive feature of represented in this part theoretical materials is their practically oriented nature, and, due to that, designation for whose, who are aiming to reach leadership in competitive race.

№ 6(18) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Power competition
The author: Gorodov O. A.

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Unfair competition is believed to constantly go hand in hand with free competition that in its turn is an indispensible condition to balance demand and supply in the commodity and service market. Free competition, typical of developed economic systems, provides equal conditions of management that can be achieved only under governmental influence. A specially constructed institution of unfair competition is considered to be one of the forms of this influence. The purpose of the institution is to protect participants of civil circulation, including commodity, work, and service consumers, from actions of economical subjects that are aimed at gaining certain benefits. In the article the author analyzes and gives a critical evaluation to the model of unfair competition, accepted by the Russian legislation, on the present day stage in the development of civil circulation.

№ 6(18) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Power competition
The author: Litvinenko V. I.

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A detailed analysis of the reasons for failures in entrepreneurial activity in Russia shows that the majorities of them are predetermined by the lack of skills and sometimes unwillingness to process and analyze data about the surrounding and very often aggressive environment of an enterprise. The article aims at introducing its readers to the history of such a notion as competitive (business) intelligence, its main methods, principles of activity, its role in competitive struggle. The author gives methodical recommendations of a practical character that will help to collect and analyze data nec¬essary for successful activity of a commercial firm or organization.

№ 6(18) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Power competition
The author: Osipenko O. V.

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The author of the article makes an attempt to study the newest corporative blackmail as a form of the national shadow entrepreneurial practice from the point of view of the unfair competition theory. The classification of basic corporative blackmail methods is given. Socio-economic risks of institutional underestimation of greenmail are shown.

№ 6(18) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Competition policy
The author: Yusupova G. F.

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One of the leading problems about application of rule against collective domination's excessive use (in the form of high prices) is the problem of proving, that established price level is caused exactly by companies' monopoly behavior. During commenced in autumn of 2008 in Russia cases against oil companies such proofs were not provided, anti-monopoly authority and courts mainly based themselves upon data about ratio between world oil prices' dynamics and retail oil-products prices' dynamics. This article' aim is to analyse effectiveness and foundation of Antimonopoly Legislation's application for the purpose of counteraction against high prices at Russian oil-products' markets.
