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№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: Professional competence
The author: Gromova N.

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As the Russian economy integrates pro-actively into the world economic community, the require¬ments set to the university graduates are changing, and the changes are substantial. As the role the banking sector plays in the modern economy is important, it is vital to improve the quality of training provided to the students who major in the subjects that pertain to this field of study. The article author shows the algorithm to be used to make a competence-based model that could describe the characteristics that should be found in a graduate of a university where banking sec¬tor-related subjects are taught.
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Klejner G. B.

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One of the most important goals a business has in a competitive environment is to do the strategic planning and to elaborate a business development strategy. Unfortunately, many Russian busi¬nesses have failed to fulfill the task. The main reason why they have failed is the fact that a strategic planning theory and methodology that could suit the Russian businesses and that is in line with the achievements made by the world economic and management theory developers has not been elaborated in full. Our editorial board has asked Georgy Kleiner, a renowned Russian scientist, to give us his opinion on the business strategy choice and implementation issues. The methodology he uses in his works includes the traditional tried-and-true principle of moving from the abstract to the specific and from the specific to the implementation stage. Using the methodology, he shows the essence of the strategic approach used when elaborating a business development theory and choosing a business management principle. The main goal of the article is to determine the business strategy development process require¬ments that should be in line with the findings of the external and internal business environment research in which the entities that make decisions and fulfill the strategic tasks were examined. When forming a business strategy, it is important to streamline each sector business's strategy choices that seem to be endless and to describe the restricted and countable number of variants to choose from. The author's second goal is to elaborate and describe the recommendations needed to be followed when the businesses are on this necessary stage of the strategy development process.
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Rubina E. Y.

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Taking into consideration that business entities, including consulting companies, possess potential competitiveness and real competitiveness, the author analyses these concepts and suggests to make their evaluation on the basis of the published information. Nowadays the great part of the information about consulting companies can be found in the rankings of these companies. «Uni-pravex» is one of the well-known ranking agencies. It is suggested in the article to make the evaluation of the potential and real competitiveness on the basis of the data of these rankings.
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Fathutdinov R. A.

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Competitive economy is based on the new way of thinking and the new steps made to increase the efficiency of the measures taken by doing in-depth research into the internal and external factors influencing the entity competitiveness level changes and by using modern research patterns and methodology. The article examines the concept of using the tools that increase any managerial decisions' efficiency and ensure the entity competitiveness and the resource use efficiency.
№ 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Third Scientific Conference
Authors: Karpunin V. I., Novashina T. S.

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There are now many people who try to identify the reasons why the world economy has found itself in a rather difficult financial situation and to find out the recipes of how to find the way out of it. Bloomberg Agency published a Financial Conditions Index that took into account the monetary, share capital and bond market figures in mid-October 2008. The FCI's slump was so unprecedentedly huge that the analysts were talking about the Black Swan effect that was contributing to the world market situation change. The article authors argue that in essence, the thing that underlies the global economy systemic crisis is the deep crisis of moral values and standards. Setting a profit as the prioritized goal to be reached on all levels from the rank-and-file citizens to the members of the establishment was the basis underlying the on-going process that could in theory undermine not only the foundation of the world financial system.
№ 1(13) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Third Scientific Conference
The author: Moiseev S. R.

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The world economic crisis from which the Russian economy is now suffering puts a question of whether the foreign affiliated banks have any prospects on the Russian market. What should we expect: their close-downs due to the problems in the head offices or their business expansion on the markets that are dealing with the relatively mild consequences of the financial instability? The article author offers his viewpoint to the readers.