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№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: Region: competition and competitiveness
The author: YUrchenko K. P.

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The author tried to answer the question of what position the Urals area regions occupy in today's political and economic environment. The author identifies and analyzes the processes that make the regional economy competitive; he assesses the regional development scenarios and the development scenarios' potential consequences and the consequences of the economic development strategies' use. The author also examines the economic ties linking the Urals area regions and the region Republics; he examines the issue of whether the territories are naturally linked to each other or whether the whole area is an «artificial» territory. Besides, the author examines such issues as, for instance, the Urals Area position on the Russian political map and in the Russian economy. The research findings the author presents here help form a better regional economic policy whose main task is to develop the regional economy efficiently and make it competitive.
№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: Region: competition and competitiveness
The author: Kolomak E. A.

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It is necessary to keep the balance in different regions' economic development and integrate the territories into the single national economic policy implemented within the Russian territory in order to maintain the sustainable development trend. It is impossible to fulfill the task unless the interregional economic development gap is bridged. The harmonization of the different regions' taxation and financial profiles is one of the key factors that could bridge the interregional economic development gap and establish a balance in the national macroeconomic development. The strategic planning issues are on the currently operating policy-makers' agenda. The regional development concept should be based on the deep objective analysis of the consequences the policy makers' decisions used to lead to. The article author presents the findings of the research into the growing 'vertical orientation' trend the Russian national budget policy has got now.
№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Romanova O. A.

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The article author analyzes the terms industrial policy and its changes during different time periods; the author describes the pro and contra of the industrial policy use; the author examines the appropriateness of different industrial policy use schemes developed by different economic policy theory champions. The author gives the theoretical base for the industrial policy formation process and systemically describes the Russian policy building experience; she identifies the specifics of the national industrial policy developed in the 21st century Russia and describes the policy features that the Russian national and foreign countries' industrial policies have in common. The article stresses the regional aspects of the policy use, in particular, the way it was developed and put into practice in the Russian Sverdlovsk Region.
№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Abramov V. L.

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The author examines the issues related to the Russian economy competitiveness level and Rus¬sia's prospective WTO membership. He examines the international organizations' research findings, Russian and foreign researchers' data and his own research findings. The article author performs analysis and evaluates the pro and contra positions taken by those who discuss the future membership, pro-global economy activists' and sector lobby members' positions.
№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
The author: Terent`ev N. E.

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Lack of efficiency that the Russian companies demonstrate now that they begin introducing in¬novations into their businesses is becoming one of the main factors that hamper the businesses' competitiveness level improvement and weaken their position on both domestic and international markets. The author shows that a systemic approach-based qualitative method use in the business innovation-based risk assessment is a key factor influencing the business innovation introduction efficiency level. The author examines the algorithms to be used to solve the main problems that emerge when the business risk management patterns are created on the level of an innovation introduction project, on the level of a business project portfolio building, and on the level of a busi¬ness company development.
№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
The author: Kindeeva V. N.

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The problem of building a formalized system in order to identify a single business' competitiveness level indicator is becoming increasingly topical today. Some suggest that the indicator should be an average value based on certain market goods' competitiveness indicators. There is a different method used to calculate the value where not only the goods characteristics are identified but also the marketing system properties are examined. Both methods help identify the business competi¬tiveness level at some moment in time by assessing the competitiveness of the goods the business produces and sells on the market. The article author describes the sector competition theory aspects that relate to the goods competitiveness level assessment and to the changes in the market structure and the market goods position. The author offers some quotients to be used to identify the positions the market players occupy at a certain moment in time and the position changes. 2008 / 3 (9)