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№ 2(8) 01 march 2008 year
Rubric: Labor market and competitiveness
The author: Alaverdov A.

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The article is focused on the labor market segment that meets the small businesses’ needs. The author examines the following: the small businesses’ macroeconomic functions; the market segment operation specifics, including the mechanisms used by the central and regional regulatory bodies and the modern Russian labor market segment development story. The article will be of interest to the scholars, transitional period economy HR experts, and the businessmen who would like to get professional advice on the HR work efficiency increase.
№ 2(8) 01 march 2008 year
Rubric: Labor market and competitiveness
Authors: Ozernikova T. G., Kravcevich S. V.

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Personnel competitiveness level identification, maintenance and increase are topical issues for any manager operating in the market economy. The individual’s high competitiveness level is a prerequisite for holding a good position and becoming a socially protected person. The company personnel high competitiveness level is a prerequisite for achieving the business strategic goals and maintaining a high business position in the competition. The personnel competitiveness level in interconnected with the national economy competitiveness level on the macro-level. It is a manifestation of the economic resource sufficient volume and its good and efficient use.
№ 2(8) 01 march 2008 year
Rubric: Labor market and competitiveness
The author: Il`ina O. I.

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As it is known, personnel evaluation and assessment is a process where the office staff members’ work efficiency is examined. The research findings are used when the managerial decisions are made in the future. That is why it is so important to use an objective work efficiency assessment methodology that ensures accurate calculations. According to the author, such a universally accepted and scientifically proved methodology is non-existent. The methodology is useful for the economy as, on the one hand, there is a direct correlation between the work efficiency and the labor hours use efficiency, and, on the other hand, the opportunities for the appropriate use of the personnel potential should be created and the businesses’ staff list structure should be optimized. The author describes a methodology that gives the business leaders an opportunity to comprehensively examine the key parameters of labor hours use in different business departments during a short period of time and identify the workload figures and the reasons for the inefficient use of labor hours.
№ 2(8) 01 march 2008 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Tikin V. S.

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Many attempts have been made to define the term unfair competition. They all failed. According to the author, competition in the market economy is unfair in any case.
№ 2(8) 01 march 2008 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
Authors: Vasil`ev E. P., Vorob`ev I. N.

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The analysis of the rational choice systemic function theory conducted by one of the article authors shows that the best (optimal) balanced state of the market economy are not correlated with the maximum figures related to the economy material elements. What is more, as a rule, if all the production functions and usefulness functions are used to the maximum, the result is far from optimal in the market economy situation in general. The theory analysis shows that the perfect competition has its intrinsical serious systemic restrictions.
№ 2(8) 01 march 2008 year
Rubric: Consult a specialist
The author: Koroleva A. A.

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As it is known, the accounts payable is a high liquidity asset. But the large amounts of the bad debts bring about the substantial business expenses increase, actual profit and circulating assets liquidity decrease and in the end they undermine the general financial stability of a business. Until recently, the debts «zeroing» (including the 100 % prepayment) has been regarded as the one and only means to manage the bad debts. In the situation when the competition is becoming increasingly fierce, if you take such a move, it will bring about the substantial sales volume decrease and the business’ market segment reduction. The article focuses on the practical aspects of dealing with the accounts payable, i. e. their inclusion into the business accounting schemes and the way they influence the business financial situation changes.