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№ 6(6) 01 november 2007 year
Rubric: Professional competence
The author: Il`ina O. G.

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Professional competences are one of the systemic features of a modern specialist. The experts are becoming increasingly interested in defining the notion in the context of the education system reform. The higher education institution is aimed not only at providing basic competences needed to the graduate to perform his ordinary duties within the framework of his terms of reference, but also at forming creative skills and developing his creative potential, at furthering his future personal and professional development as all of these are the main objective and goal the institutions have.
№ 6(6) 01 november 2007 year
Rubric: Professional competence
The author: Mushtuk O. Z.

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Russian peoples' attitudes towards the labor and the businesses and their place in the general attitudinal pattern Russian people today are searching for some kind of a «national idea». According to the author, the idea is clear. It is necessary to do one's best to make people perceive that such qualities as intelligence, educatedness, professionalism and respectability are good in all the senses of the words, including the material aspects of it. Western and Russian analysts who have analyzed the Russians' attitude towards the labor and business activity, say that among the most conspicuous features are the lack of the business ori-entation and the lack of a feeling that labor is a source of wellness and prosperity.
№ 6(6) 01 november 2007 year
Rubric: Competition in education
The author: Malin A. S.

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One of the most important competitive advantages Russia has is the high percentage of well-edu-cated people in the country. Maintaining and supporting the changing world of education within the framework of the Bologna Declaration should become a prerequisite for the sustainable social and economic development. The country development should be guided by a pattern where the priorities are the scientific products practical implementation and the elaboration and use of new technologies and the new knowledge. The Russian economy and the Russian society members cannot become competitive without the education and science development. The sectors' development is the key factor in the knowledge economy development based on the intellectual effort. That is why the universities should make their institutions increasingly attractive to their services users and provide the guarantees of employability on the labor market to their graduates.
№ 6(6) 01 november 2007 year
Rubric: Competition in education
The author: Susova N. S.

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The university's problems connected with maintaining business reputation in the academic and scientific context have become topical recently, and the acuteness of the problem is recognized by everyone. The image the institutions have in the corporate world is a conglomerate of opinions and viewpoints the educational services end users, both current and would-be, have on the way the universities operate. When such a critical management aspect as the reputation is in question, it is usually the quality that is of paramount importance, be it the process results, the process itself or the systemic and management quality.
№ 6(6) 01 november 2007 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Zubov V. M.

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An article published in our journal on the parallels between the competition in business and politics evoked a keen response. The editorial board is preparing a round table discussion of the topic. Here we are publishing Professor Zubov's comment on the issue in question.
№ 6(6) 01 november 2007 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Kuznecova E. I.

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Competitive environment formation is determined not only by the systemic rules but also by the availability of the appropriate system operation launching mechanisms. Competitive development in Russia today is hampered by the incomplete legislative base, bad infrastructure and the fact that the decision making process is based upon the political, not economic incentives. The author of the article examines the issues related to the competitive environment support legislative base development and improvement. The partnerships between the state-owned and private companies might play a great part in the legislation development as their aim is to form solid links between the academic community and the market players and secure the scientific «product» marketing.