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Kuznecova E. I.

PhD (Economics), Assistant Professor,doctoral candidate, Russian Ministry of the Interior Moscow University

Competition in the market and economic security of the state

Today the basis of the national security is the security of the economic activity. The latter is seen as the ability of the national economy to guarantee the national welfare and the domestic market stability regardless of the external conditions. The system securing the economic activity is considered to be efficient if the negative impact from outside is counterbalanced by the internal resource of the country supporting the political and economic stability. Today Russia has considerable natu-ral resources and plays a big role in the oil and gas trade. But can it serve as a guarantee of our country's stable competitive position in the world economic processes? What is the basis of the system securing the economic activity in the country?

Competitive environment support legislation improvement

Competitive environment formation is determined not only by the systemic rules but also by the availability of the appropriate system operation launching mechanisms. Competitive development in Russia today is hampered by the incomplete legislative base, bad infrastructure and the fact that the decision making process is based upon the political, not economic incentives. The author of the article examines the issues related to the competitive environment support legislative base development and improvement. The partnerships between the state-owned and private companies might play a great part in the legislation development as their aim is to form solid links between the academic community and the market players and secure the scientific «product» marketing.