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№ 6(6) 01 november 2007 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Dryuchina E. I.

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As you know, consumer goods producers, distributors, shops and individual vendors can act against the consumers' interests. They often try to make the consumers play by their own rules in the unstable market economy. The consumers' rights are violated as the product quality is low, their legal claims are ignored, the environment is damaged and many other similar things occur. According to the author, there should be some rules that would legally regulate the operations of producers, vendors and other market players.
№ 1(7) 01 january 2008 year
Rubric: Competition in the field of municipal power
The author: Brusnikin N. Y.

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The main objective determined at the first stage of the Russian utilities and housing system reforms is to introduce the market relations into the system and attract private investment. Different factors contributed to the lack of appropriate actions in the past. Some of the goals are reached today. The author of the article looks at the status quo in the system development and takes a look at the prospects of the housing system reform.
№ 1(7) 01 january 2008 year
Rubric: Competition in the field of municipal power
The author: Basov V. P.

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The main requirement the end users of the housing and municipal engineering system have is to improve the system infrastructure. According to some experts, one of the best methods to be used to meet the requirement is to create privately owned companies that could bring large investments to the system and improve the system by making an overhaul of it. Nevertheless, rank-and-file members of the local communities usually think that privatization of the system facilities and transference of the system into the «unclean» hands will bring about the inap¬propriate supply of the vital utility services. According to the article author, when we speak about the housing infrastructure and utilities own¬ership type, we do not necessarily mean direct transference of the ownership rights to a privately-owned company.
№ 1(7) 01 january 2008 year
Rubric: FAS: antitrust
The author: Bondareva Y. E.

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If we take a look at the antimonopoly law used in the developed countries, we shall see that the regulations are rather strict. We shall also see that the law is written as a result of the legal decisions taken and the application practices. The Federal Antimonopoly Service is a meaningful market economy tool. It was founded 15 years ago. The Russian antimonopoly legislation was created during this 15-year period of time. It fosters the competition and counters monopolies and mala fide competition. But the legislation is subject to amendments that make it better. The editorial board has asked Ms Bondareva to speak about what the newest amendments are in the financial market-related antimonopoly legislation in Russia.
№ 1(7) 01 january 2008 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Belova A. G.

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Despite the high economic efficiency figures available, sustainable economic growth, business development and the recent reforms made in some of the economy sectors found in Russia, the following problems are still acute: low production rate that is comparable to the rate found in the Central European countries where the economic development rate is lower that in Russia; the widening gap between the welfare rate the poorest and the richest people have; lowering life ex¬pectancy figures, etc. It is not surprising that different analysts make totally different conclusions related to the factors influencing the Russian economy competitiveness level increase and the economic development prospects. Anna Belova has agreed to answer the editorial board's questions on the factors influencing the national economy competitiveness level changes.
№ 1(7) 01 january 2008 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Ostrecov I. N.

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The Russian natural resources (primarily, the power production-related resources) have been re¬garded as the country's indisputable competitive advantage for a long time. It is clear today that the energy production issues the mankind faces cannot be resolved unless the nuclear power is used. That is why the following question becomes topical: is there a direct correlation between the Russian economy competitiveness level and the atomic power production sector development stage? Igor Ostretsov discusses this question here.