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№ 5(23) 01 september 2010 year
Rubric: Competitiveness of business
The author: Gubenko I. V.

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The article reveals an approach aimed at improving competitiveness and corporate value by creat¬ing a brand. The article gives advice on brand building and practical examples from different market segments. Also, the article analyzes the key characteristics of modern markets, which should be considered for building a successful brand.

№ 5(23) 01 september 2010 year
Rubric: Competitiveness of business
The author: Turbanov A. V.

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In the modern world there are many discussions about quality of the human capital to the organiza¬tions and about the influence of this resource on competitiveness of business. In this connection, the author of given paper considers various approaches to consideration of competitiveness of the personnel and his role in a competition between subjects of business. The purpose of this work is the analysis of definitions of competitiveness of the personnel used in a science as subject of labour legal relationship, and allocation of the theories reflecting various approaches to perception of object of competitiveness on a labour market, forms of his organization. Also the study of system of quality of the human capital as a major factor of competitiveness of the personnel, his definition and his revealing an especial role in influence on competitiveness of subjects of business is carried out.

№ 5(23) 01 september 2010 year
Rubric: Competition rules
The author: Tikin V. S.

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Annotation (Summary). The article presents an original view of the Institute of unfair competition, coming into conflict with the generally accepted understanding of this offense. The author tries to prove, that any competition which exists in the society is unfair. At present in the laws in force there is no any real differentiation between fair and unfair competition. There should be special criteria presented which will allow to define the type of competition and the differences between two types.

№ 5(23) 01 september 2010 year
Rubric: Competition rules
The author: Kovalenko A.

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This publication is a continuation of qualification the gift of incomplete equipment as violations of the Antitrust Law. The author tries to consider giving of incomplete medical equipment and further selling of component materials such as unfair competition, or as restraint of competition. This task was given from the discussion that took place at a meeting of the Expert Council on the application of antitrust laws, in terms of protection from unfair competition of the FAS, which is also briefly described by the author.

№ 5(23) 01 september 2010 year
Rubric: Industry competition
The author: Mokerova O. P.

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In article the role merchandising in wholesale trade, the purpose, the problems of the company connected with application merchandising, the organization merchandising at the enterprises of wholesale trade depending on problems which the company puts before itself, increase of efficiency of sales at the expense of application of programs merchandising is revealed.

№ 5(23) 01 september 2010 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
Authors: Yusupova G. F., Spiridonova O. I.

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The article continues series of studying-methodical materials for «Theory of industrial organization" course. This publication presents materials about factors influencing the incentives of firms to coop¬erate and set agreements. There are some case-studies inside dedicated to the problems of antitrust policy against collusive firms.
