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№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Competition rules
The author: Kovalenko A.

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This paper is an attempt of qualification the gift of incomplete equipment as violations of the Antitrust Law. The author tries to consider giving of incomplete medical equipment and fur¬ther selling of component materials such as unfair competition, and restraint of competition. This task was given from the discussion that took place at a meeting of the Expert Council on the application of antitrust laws, in terms of protection from unfair competition of the FAS, which is also briefly described by the author.

№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Industry competition
The author: Turbanov A. V.

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The article highlights some issues related to the Deposit insurance agency's operation. Based on vast practical information and data the author demonstrates main trends resulting from establishment of the deposit insurance system, analyses causes of more level playing field in this market segment, and evaluates impact of the Agency's operations in such areas as bank liquidation and bankruptcy prevention on development of competition in the banking sector.

№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
The author: Fathutdinov R. A.

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In addition to seventh topic (see issue №3 (21) the author sequentially describes methods of system analysis and develops suggestions concerning methodic for valuation of organization's competitive¬ness. The eighth topic surveys issues of fixing and evaluation of standard's quality. Different methods of fixing are studied for the reason of evaluation of object actual effect.

№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
The author: Yusupova G. F.

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The article continues series of studying-methodical materials for «Theory of industrial organization" course. This publication presents materials about strategic behavior of firms in oligopolistic markets with differentiated and homogeneous products. There are some case-studies inside dedicated to the problems of price formation and deterrence of entry on market.

№ 5(11) 01 september 2008 year
Rubric: Competition policy
The author: Golovanova S.

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The article is dedicated to the analysis of the laws that determine the changes in the structure of industries' distribution in Russia during the period of economic growth in 1997-2004. The research shows that the geographic distribution of the production plants is still under the influence of the tendencies that existed during the Soviet times. However, one can observe the interregional industrial facility redistribution tendencies, although the scale and the speed of the change vary from one region to another. Among the factors that contribute to the changes one can name the regional investment climate characteristics, the regional scientific research potential, the interregional industrial ties and the ties that exist between the industries within one region. The research findings also show that the industries' geographic distribution is also influenced by the international competition trends.
№ 5(23) 01 september 2010 year
Rubric: The theory of competition
The author: Spiridonova O. I.

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Effect of forward trading in the spot market operation is the subject of ongoing debate. Nevertheless, deregulation of electricity markets in many countries was based on the thesis that the conclusion of forward contracts increases competition generating companies on the spot market. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of forward market incentives to collusion among the generating companies in the spot segment of the wholesale electricity market of the Russian Federation. It is shown that under certain circumstances forward trading can facilitate the collusion in the spot market. And this effect can be eliminated by some of the characteristics of market structure.
