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№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Golovanova S.

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The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of impact of market structure, world market and international trade policy on domestic prices of traded goods. Using open data of the Russian federal agency of government statistics we also discover levels and dynamics of world and domestic prices of a wide range of traded goods in order to find signs of imperfect competition at domestic markets.

№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: FAS: antitrust
Authors: Bogdanov D. D., Smirnova O. O.

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This article deals with the changes of possibilities of food product retail antimonopoly regulation in the Russian Federation in the conditions of coming into force the Federal law of Russian Federation N 381-FZ «State regulation of trading activity in the Russian Federation» (Trade Act). In particular the real changes caused by the legislation and expected change, caused a resonance and discus¬sions between retail representatives and state bodies are analyzed. Now, when key positions of the law have come into force (in particular and the size of trading margin), it is represented interesting races-look real changes to which were promoted by so disputable act.

№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: FAS: antitrust
The author: Mil`chakova O. V.

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Entrance to the wholesale market of electricity is a major advantage for the members of competitive relations in electricity markets. Regulators and related subjects of the wholesale market have exclusive rights to implement the actions, that allows firm to enter the wholesale electricity market, and enables them to determine the general conditions of circulation of energy and power, including the retail market, influencing the structure of sellers and buyers. The article deals with questions of order to enter the wholesale market and become eligible to par¬ticipate in the wholesale market of electricity (capacity), a widespread violations of antitrust law at the entrance to the wholesale market, their qualification, and responsibility for that violations.

№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Competitive Strategies and Tactics
The author: Gubajdullina F.

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Worldwide popularity of cluster approach to the arrangement of economic space is explained by the fact that it enhances the competitiveness of regions on the basis of innovation generation. This article draws comparison between ways of implementation of cluster policy in the USA and Europe where numerous clusters are concentrated. Studying international experience might be useful for Russia which makes its first steps in this field, but it should be mentioned that it is impossible to achieve the success the Silicon Valley, as is demonstrated by attempts made in different countries.

№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Competitive Strategies and Tactics
Authors: Fiyaksel` E. A., Sidorov D. V.

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The concept of enterprise competition concept is well known, but the competition can occur inside the enterprise between main actors of innovation process. In this paper we consider relationships between the investor, innovation project manager and the author of innovation (inside the «innovation triad») to show presence of competition and its influence on project realization.

№ 4(22) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Competition rules
The author: Gorodov O. A.

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This paper describes detailed characterization of illegal obtaining, using, and disclosure of secret commercial information, which is the type of unfair competition acts, prohibited by the Federal Com¬petition Law. Based on analysis of legal norms of the federal legislation, court decisions and the special scientific literature, the author reveals the specifics of conditions and criteria of disorganization of the com¬petitor. The author summarizes the experience of the legal regulation of competitive relations, and offers solutions of problems in qualification of competitive action as an act of unfair competition.
