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Gubajdullina F.

Dr of Economics, Professor, Ural Federal University

International experience of cluster policy in developed countries

Worldwide popularity of cluster approach to the arrangement of economic space is explained by the fact that it enhances the competitiveness of regions on the basis of innovation generation. This article draws comparison between ways of implementation of cluster policy in the USA and Europe where numerous clusters are concentrated. Studying international experience might be useful for Russia which makes its first steps in this field, but it should be mentioned that it is impossible to achieve the success the Silicon Valley, as is demonstrated by attempts made in different countries.


Cluster’s microeconomics (on the example of the industrial districts of the third Italy)

Special relations between companies within a cluster disclose the sources of efficiency and competitiveness of a cluster as a form of territorial organization of production. This article deals with clusters of small and medium-sized businesses in Italy, where clustering has become an additional source of increase of competitiveness of small firms. Such a study of an international experience is useful for Russia, where the importance of small and medium enterprises for the economy is still underestimated.


Transformation of economic model of Japan

Japan’s economy for more than two decades suffers stagnation. This is the reaction of the national institutional system to the changing conditions in the global economy. At the time, economic model created in Japan was dramatically different from the Western ones, this is due to national traditions and historical background of the country. In the article the author compares the characteristics of the Japanese model with its Western analogues on the most important features. Institutional features of the economic activity in Japan in the past were the driving forces of the «economic miracle» and formation of the innovative economy. However, the evolving process of globalization has led to dramatic changes in the economic environment, and high adaptive qualities of the Japanese model ceased to work. The reforms undertaken by the government of Japan, aimed at creating the new model of national economy, different from that which was created during the catch-up development period in the history of the country. The article highlights the main directions of modernization of the Japanese economy, the basic parts of the New strategy of economic growth generated by the government. Significant changes occur in relation to the more openness of the economy towards greater foreign business presence in domestic markets of the country.