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Smirnova O. O.

Smirnova O. O.
MFPU «Synergy»

The development of competition in electricity market

In the article is discussed the problem of competitive relationship's development in electricity markets, established as a result of activating the Electricity law, according to which combining transmission and buy-sell activities with electrical energy is prohibited. The author makes a review for types of antitrust legislation trespassing in retail and wholesale electricity markets and draws the conclusion about future development of competitive sphere for electricity markets.


Antimonopoly regulation of food product retail

This article deals with the changes of possibilities of food product retail antimonopoly regulation in the Russian Federation in the conditions of coming into force the Federal law of Russian Federation N 381-FZ «State regulation of trading activity in the Russian Federation» (Trade Act). In particular the real changes caused by the legislation and expected change, caused a resonance and discus¬sions between retail representatives and state bodies are analyzed. Now, when key positions of the law have come into force (in particular and the size of trading margin), it is represented interesting races-look real changes to which were promoted by so disputable act.


Breach of the antimonopoly law on airport grounds: high monopoly price for parking

The article deals with the economic conditions that determine the abuse of the dominant position of various economic subjects on airport grounds. The example of high monopoly prices for parking on territories adjacent to the airport is studied in the article to show the activity of the FAS Russia on regulating economic relations in the airport infrastructure.


Development competition of ground handling market: regulation practice of Russian Federation and EU

The liberalization of natural monopolies ground handling markets began with the adoption of the 1996 EU Directive 96/97 in EU. Development competition of ground handling in Russia began in 2009 after adopted rules of access to services of natural monopolies in airports. This work is devoted to a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the regulatory impact on the defect structure of these markets.