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№ 4(16) 01 july 2009 year
Rubric: Сompetitiveness
The author: Frolova E. D.

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The article offers an author's, based on the geoeconomic paradigm approach to the understanding of the competitive capacity of a region in the conditions of the new world economic system and the main mechanisms for its realization. Among the mechanisms the author mentions — the institutional mechanism (the formation of transregional companies), the structural mechanism (an industrial region is viewed as a local center of world economy), the management mechanism (the introduc¬tion of geomarketing), the technological mechanism (the stages of integration into internationalized reproduction processes). The use of the geoeconomic notions (including «economic boundaries of an activity, «foreign economic links») will allow regions to develop an appropriate mechanism for the implementation of «Strategy — 2020» in the sphere of foreign economic activity, thus putting Russia among the leading world powers.

№ 4(16) 01 july 2009 year
Rubric: Сompetitiveness
The author: Lukashenko E. A.

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The process of economic globalization makes Russian enterprises not only exist in a tough competitive environment in the domestic as well as in the international markets, but also opens wide perspectives in front of the most effective of them. The practical activity of Russian companies in the sphere of their internationalization has extended in the recent ten years. Nevertheless the financial crisis revealed the ineffective character of strategies in those national companies (for the most part raw materials companies) which operate in foreign markets, thus it once again proved the existence of negative characteristics in the present day Russian economy. The article is aimed at finding ways to increase the competitive capacity of Russian enterprises in the process of their entering the foreign market.

№ 4(16) 01 july 2009 year
Rubric: Evaluation of competitiveness
The author: Hasanov R. H.

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The article offers the method of enterprise competitive capacity evaluation based on Michael Porter's value chain concept. The method is aimed at evaluating competitive capacity based on value action inside a firm. The evaluation process suggests expert examination as well as the use of questionnaires.

№ 4(16) 01 july 2009 year
Rubric: The global financial crisis
Authors: Karpunin V. I., Novashina T. S.

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There exist a number of attempts to explain the reasons for a rather difficult financial and eco¬nomic situation that the world economy has been facing and there also exist a lot of attempts to cope with it. For instance, in the middle of October 2008 the information agency Bloomberg published «The Financial Conditions Index» that covers indices of the money, stock, and bond markets. This index showed such an unprecedented decrease that analysts remembered «the black swan effect» to account for the situation in the world markets. The authors of the article are inclined to think that as a matter of fact a crisis of moral values lies at the heart of the global system crisis that grasped the world economy. The priority to become rich for all strata of the society from low classes up to the establishment turned out to be the basis of the process that can «blow up» not only the foundations of the world financial system but also cause more serious problems in the social order.

№ 4(16) 01 july 2009 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
The author: Fathutdinov R. A.

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The journal continues to publish Professor Rais Akhmetovich Fatkhutdinov's textbook «Organization's Competitive Capacity Management. The second topic is devoted to the concept of competitive economy worked out by the author. The theory is based on the leader upbringing philosophy, economy and knowledge management that lead to the overall increase of process quality in all areas and branches, the growth of innovative activity and competitive capacity of the managed objects. The author of the article carried out mathematical and statistical research and a multifactor international analysis of 146 competitive factors in 125 countries (WEF data) that were valid in 2006. The research showed that the most vulnerable areas in the Russian competitive capacity is the institution of power.

№ 5(17) 01 september 2009 year
Rubric: The competitiveness of small businesses
The author: Prazdnichnyh A. N.

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The research was conducted in the following way: the conditions of firms in a separate branch of industry of a certain region were studied. Four industries with the prevailing small-scale business type of enterprise were chosen: food industry, wood processing industry, motor-car and chemical industries. Besides these industries one of the most important for today industries — the information technology industry — was chosen among the innovative branches of non-manufacturing business.
