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№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Authors: Ruzhanskaya L. S., Ostanin I. V., SHCHerbinina A. A., Tychinskaya T. A.

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The article authors provide the empirical data they have gathered while analyzing the corporate management characteristics in privately owned companies operating on a mixed property basis. They also have examined whether the state-owned companies contribute to the regional businesses' operational efficiency improvement if they have a share in the companies' property and participate in managing the companies. The data analyzed include the information that pertains to 93 stock companies that operated in the Urals region within the period of 2004 - 2007. The state-owned companies are now largely involved in managing the corporate property in the Rus¬sian regions where the share of state property in the property owned by the privately owned busi¬nesses is still high. The state owned companies set the standards of corporate management for the companies operating on the mixed property basis. The article authors indicate that the state owned companies that have a share in the businesses' property affect the businesses' efficiency levels but the state officials who become members of the privately owned businesses' boards of directors provide additional guarantees to the private property owners and this is an advantage for a company that operates on the financial markets. The article authors' main goal is to identify the role the state bodies that have a share and take part in the management of the Russian privately owned companies play in business. Their additional objective was to identify whether a partnership between the privately owned and state bodies can affect the businesses' operational efficiency and the competitiveness level. The research findings can be of interest to the big businesses' and medium enterprises' top managers and owners, state regulatory bodies' staff who elaborate stock market and corporate management regulations, Russian business analysts and to all those who are interested in knowing more about the corporate government.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
The author: Risin S. I.

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The article describes the comparative analysis results of today's international best practices elaborated by various governmental bodies for the regional competitiveness level improvement. The author tries to identify the productive components of the state bodies' managerial activity that can be used in Russia on the federal and regional scale. The components identified include the following: the development and implementation of the national industries' competitiveness level improvement state policy (strategy); identification by the state bodies of the new strategic competitiveness level management zones; cluster principle use in the business building; pilot projects in using various forms of partnerships-based cooperation between private entities and state bodies that should assist the companies in technology development and in using innovations.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
The author: Mihnenko P.

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A business' competitiveness level is determined by the business' competitive potential, and the factors that contribute to the changes in the potential include not only the industrial capacity, product range and quality but also the business management system characteristics. The article author examines the businesses' competitiveness level changes. He sees a company management system change as a factor that influences the businesses' competitive potential change. He also examines what role the fitness-for-purpose principle plays on difference business lifecycle stages. The article author makes a conclusion that the modern business' institutional change is largely stochastic and uncertain as far as the information delivery is concerned. The author states that the mathematical component of the system theory should be used in order to thoroughly examine the phenomena. The concept of uneven distribution of structures described by the system theory helps describe the lifecycle change process using the terms and definitions used in the probability theory.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
Authors: Ozornina O. V., Ruzhanskaya L. S., Sysoeva M. Y.

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Despite the fact that the information transparency is one of the many aspects of the corporate management system, it is the most important one among the factors that contribute to the investor confidence level change that determines the dynamics of the company attractiveness level. The information transparency is an important factor that contributes to the company competitiveness level change. The investors are to be sure that the information the company provides is full, accurate and reliable. The article author's goal is to determine the way the information transparency influences the company ordinary shares' value. The value change, in its turn, contributes to the change in the competitiveness level of a company that is present on the capital market. The article is aimed at institutional investors, top managers, and investment analysts.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Strategy and tactics
The author: Krivoruchko S. V.

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The Russian banks have not been paying enough attention to the retail payment services segment while having low expenditure and getting good income from loan business and operations with the Russian Central Bank. Now that they are suffering from the crisis, the banks' income from investment and loan business has plummeted, and they have to look for other income sources. It is appropriate to mention here that one of the basic bank's functions is to be an intermediary in payment-making activity, including the operations made by the individuals. The international experience shows that the income from such kind of operations has always been similar to the interest income. The author argues that it is time for the banks to enter the market segment. Nevertheless, it turns out the market segment is already successfully occupied by other players proceeding from the non-bank market segment. The banks are now beginning to address the legislators to change the market situation. The article author thinks the Bank of Russia as a state representative regulating the market operations should create the same business opportunities for all the stakeholders to play on the market, put an end to the overregulation of banks' operations and set certain requirements for the non-bank organizations to meet, that is, the registration requirements, the equity capital requirements, the risk management requirements, etc.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Kurnysheva I.

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The world economy is on the verge of a new wave of the technology change. After the changes have occurred, the human capital would play a much more important role in the social and economic development and make redundant many of the factors that have been traditionally contributing to the economic growth. The authors of the recent annual report published by the World Economic Forum consider the HR development as one of the fundamental groups of factors that contribute to the national economy competitiveness level change. The Russian economists have begun thoroughly examining the role the human resources play in the economy only recently, and the human capital is a factor that determines the competitiveness-related ratings in the post-industrial economies.