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№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Yusupova G. F.

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The article is dedicated to the Russian inter-regional competition intensity assessments. The wheat market is examined to check the unified price-setting hypothesis. The empirical data shows that the Russian grain market cannot be called harmonized as there are barriers that hamper the price gap-bridging process in the regions. The article demonstrates how the regional month-to-month price change data, transportation cost data and the interregional trade volume change data can be used to identify the trends emerged in the Russian national market development and the factors that influence the trend building process.
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: Industry competition (the banking sector)
The author: Tolstolesova L. A.

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The factors that contribute to the decrease in the sustainable Russian economy growth are the financial resource concentration in the raw material-related sectors; lack of investments that go into the processing industry development; inefficient mechanisms offered to be used to improve the competitiveness level of the product made by the majority of the entities operating in the non-raw material sectors. In view of the above, one of the main tasks the state bodies have to fulfill now is to ensure the eco¬nomic growth based on the structural transformation of the economy and the competitiveness level improvement. The international experience shows that virtually the only way to reach the goal is to provide substantial investments into the real economic sector and to create an efficiently operating mechanism of transferring the money. A special role here is played by the loan and credit organiza-tions that are to accumulate the business entities' spare cash and use it to develop the prioritized infrastructure building projects and regional development programs. However, the participation of the financial institutions in the regional development is often restricted as they cannot accumulate the resource needed to support the large projects that can meet the requirements set by the cus¬tomers who are interested in making investments into the production sector. The author takes the example of the Tyument Region and examines the ways of making the regional banking sector investors more active as far as the investment-making is concerned.
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: Industry competition (the banking sector)
The author: Sandler D. G.

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Efficiency is objectively regarded as the main concept and universal development goal private businesses and regions as a whole (taken as business entities) have. It is especially important to regard it as such if we consider the consistent competitiveness development in the medium and short term. After the research has been finished, the article author has come to the following all-encompassing conclusion: it is the efficiency that can ensure the synergies on different levels — from the national economy level to a regional level or the level of an enterprise or an individual if the efficiency is regarded as THE goal, THE ideology and THE indicator.
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: Industry competition (the banking sector)
The author: Terent`ev N. E.

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The article examines the loan-related risk assessment issues that are associated with the commer¬cial banks' loan portfolio formation process. The author's attention is focused on the borrower's bankruptcy theoretical frequency analysis. The author describes the assessment methodology to be used in this case. The approach offered is based on the cash flow simulation examination and on the data use to make estimates of the loan portfolio losses. The author describes a borrower's cash flow simulation building technology that is based on the sector typical borrowing scenario identification.
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: Industry competition (the banking sector)
Authors: Kuznecov V. I., Mihajlova M. V.

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Today much attention is paid to the issues connected with the business' (including the loan organizations') competitiveness level improvement. The general trend that is typically found at the modern banking services market is the sustainable growth in the number of services rendered by the banks that participate in the inter-bank competition. In view of the above, it is especially important to form the regional bank development strategy. The author tries to explore a number of issues connected with the regional banks' strategy development in an environment where the country financial center large banks' branch regional network is growing fast. The author takes Yakut Republic as an example. First of all, the large banks' branches are emerging in the regions that have rich mineral wealth deposits.
№ 6(12) 01 november 2008 year
Rubric: Professional competence
The author: Alaverdov A. L.

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Professional HR management standards were adopted in 2007. They are to become the main tool that helps identify HR management professionals. Each HR professional, both a beginner and a quite experienced HR director who reads these standards, can find something to learn and something that should be used in practical work. However, the main barrier that is found on the way of the HR standards introduction and use is the banks' and non-financial organizations' top management's hardly removable inability to understand the role and the status of an HR manager. Today HR managers' operations in many banks are organized according to the principle of not trou¬bling the trouble until it troubles them. Such state of affairs is a source of various HR-related risks, property, reputation and goodwill loss. It makes the financial work results worse and decreases competitiveness level of the banks. What are the prospects of professional HR managers' standards introduction? Is it possible to make the standards a part of each modern competitive bank's policies? The above issues are among those that are included into Ashot Aleverdov's article. Prof. Alaverdov is a renowned scholar, author of manuals and monographs dedicated to bank management and HR management in banks.