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№3(51) May-june 2015 year


Competitive Russia

Author: D. Khvalynskiy

В работе описаны условия повышения доходности четырех стандартных для мировой практики моделей аукциона — английского аукциона, аукциона второй цены (аукциона Викри), аукциона закрытых ставок и голландского аукциона. Кроме того, исследован ряд специальных моделей многообъектных аукционов, разработанных зарубежными исследователями для случаев одновременной продажи нескольких объектов: аукцион универсальной цены, аукцион «Заплати свою ставку», многообъектный аукцион Викри, иерархический аукцион пакетных ставок, механизм Викри–Кларка–Гровса, одновременные возрастающие аукционы, аукцион Аузубеля, прокси-аукцион Аузубеля, Крэмтона и Милгрома и аукцион смешанных товаров Клемперера. По результатам анализа преимуществ и недостатков существующих моделей стандартных и многообъектных аукционов автором разработана и предложена новая модель аукциона, который представляет собой симбиоз английского аукциона, аукциона закрытых ставок и аукциона Викри, предполагает заключение контрактов на основе ставок конкурентов и обеспечивает более высокий ожидаемый доход аукционисту. Рассмотрены преимущества в доходности предложенной модели аукциона по сравнению со стандартными моделями аукционов. Разработанная автором модель аукциона может найти успешное применение при формировании заказчика- ми правил конкурентных закупок в рамках реализации Федерального закона от 18 июля 2011 г. № 223‑ФЗ «О закупках товаров, работ, услуг отдельными видами юридических лиц», а также при доработке законодателем правил конкурентных закупок, предусмотренных Федеральным законом от 5 апреля 2013 г. № 44‑ФЗ «О контрактной системе в сфере закупок товаров, работ, услуг для обеспечения государственных и муниципальных нужд».

The theory of competition

Author: Yu. Rubin

The article is devoted to the tactical level of competitive behavior of firms. Author postulates firms competitive tactics as a set of competitive action, grouped in the tactical models, and actually implemented in tactical operations against certain tactical competitors in a short period of time. The author emphasizes that different tactical models implement some competitive strategies of firms, and offers a matrix of types of competitive strategies of market participants and types of tactical models of competitive action. 
The author shows, that the classification of tactical models of competitive actions in general should follow the classification of types of competitive action (offensive, defensive, combination). So the author identifies tactical model: front and flank attack; deaf, valid and preventive defense; counterattack; guerrilla warfare; retreat; rational self isolation; non-conflict; consent; joint defense and joint offence; and tactical maneuvers. 
The author understands the tactical maneuvers as a combination of competitive actions of market participants, who considered making any changes in the realization of tactical operations. The article consistently describes and characterizes all offered types of tactical models of competitive action.

Antitrust regulation

The article is devoted to the manifestations of monopoly in the insurance market of the Russian Federation. Analyzed historical moments of presence state and commercial monopolies in various stages of development of the Russian insurance market. At the present stage proved the existence of a «niche» (local) monopoly. Identified and described its types: channel monopoly, the species of monopoly, geographic and consumer monopoly. The presence of channel monopoly proven in sales of insurance services through airlines, online travel agencies, tour operators. Species monopoly is described in two directions: innovative species monopoly and factor species the monopoly. Formulated especially geographic and consumer monopoly in the insurance market. Presents an assessment of the further development of «niche» monopoly in the insurance market. It is shown that at the present stage of development of the Russian insurance market has given way to the traditional monopoly of «niche» monopoly, which the Russian insurance market is shown in the form of a monopoly channel, species and product monopoly, geographical monopolies.

Author: A. Shastitko

This article reveals the reason for specific way of competition law enforcement in markets defined within the context of interrelation between the main and derivative products. Identifying particularities of grounds for aftermarkets definition we provide systematization of various types of interrelations between main product and derivative product taking into account possible cases for two related markets and single one in product boundaries; competition and monopolization of single market, both markets or one of them. The set of competition restrictions problems within the «main product — derivative (supplementary) product» relationship is defined on the basis of studies in the New Institutional Economic theory taking into account the contracting between producers (sellers) and buyers of products mentioned. It is explained significance of such aspects of interrelations between buyers and sellers of complex durable goods as fundamental transformation, switching cost, hold up, contracts incompleteness. Based on lessons learned from «Kodak» and some other cases the issue of limits for efficient antitrust enforcement is discussed. The problem of excessive antitrust enforcement as an substitute of contracts design by private actors demonstrate the risk of crowding out of private ordering of contracts by public ones. The article shows some signs of specific vector of Russian antimonopoly law enforcement related to aftermarkets issues. It is discussed particular case of product boundaries definition of market (stripes for tests to check quantity of sugar in blood) and wider classification of interrelations between the main and derivative products taking into account not only individual market dominance but also collective market dominance.