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Bryzgalov D. V.

PhD in Economics, Institute of Financial and Economic Research, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Features of the concept «competition» in various approaches to the definition of insurance and the insurance market

The article is devoted to the issues of the manifestations of competition in the insurance market of the Russian Federation with regard to the different theories of insurance. The peculiarities of the market and intermarket competition by using the following theoretical approaches: the «insurance as security», «insurance as a method of risk management», «insurance through funds», «insurance as an economic category», «as a contract of insurance», «insurance through insurance protection» and «theory of institutional development of the insurance market» are analyzed. Forms of intermarket competition in the insurance market are identified and justified. The causes of intermarket competition, its positive and negative impacts of the insurance market in macro- and micro- levels are described.

Features of the competition by sales channels in the insurance market of the Russian federation

The article is devoted to manifestations of competition in the insurance market of the Russian Federation in relation to the different sales channel of insurance services. The features of competition in the sale of insurance services through brokers and insurance agencies, via car dealers, through credit institutions. Identified and justified channel features an interchannel competition in the insurance market. Describes external and internal factors of competitiveness of insurance services in sales through various intermediaries. Research results of evaluation of the competitiveness of insurance services in the showrooms.

Modern features of monopoly in the insurance market in the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the manifestations of monopoly in the insurance market of the Russian Federation. Analyzed historical moments of presence state and commercial monopolies in various stages of development of the Russian insurance market. At the present stage proved the existence of a «niche» (local) monopoly. Identified and described its types: channel monopoly, the species of monopoly, geographic and consumer monopoly. The presence of channel monopoly proven in sales of insurance services through airlines, online travel agencies, tour operators. Species monopoly is described in two directions: innovative species monopoly and factor species the monopoly. Formulated especially geographic and consumer monopoly in the insurance market. Presents an assessment of the further development of «niche» monopoly in the insurance market. It is shown that at the present stage of development of the Russian insurance market has given way to the traditional monopoly of «niche» monopoly, which the Russian insurance market is shown in the form of a monopoly channel, species and product monopoly, geographical monopolies.